"Werewolf" Movie

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"You followed me to the mall?" I shrieked as we stood there. He just smirked and shrugged like it if was nothing. I stared at him in disbelief and rolled my eyes. "Whatever. More information I can give to the police to put your ass in jail." I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and was about to dial only for it to be taken away from me by a big hand. "Hey! Give that back!"

"No can do princess," he smirked even bigger and I huffed.

"Why are you doing this to me? You're just a creeper who won't leave me alone!"

"Like I said a million times already. I can't leave you alone princess."

"And why the hell cant you?"

"Cause you are mine. You are my mate and you belong to me."

I just stared at him in shock. What did he even mean by that? He took my silence and frozen state as his moment to sneak past by me and give the pizza to an impatient Ali, who thanked him without further questioning. I just stared at their confrontation silently while I still held on to the door open.

"Hurry up! Before the pizza gets cold!" Ali screamed, snapping me out of my daze. I quickly shook my head and stomped towards the kitchen to see both of them laughing and munching on a slice.

"You have to leave. Now!" I demanded as I pointed to the open door. Ali stared at me shocked while he just raised an eyebrow and took a big bite, chewing slowly before giving me his back and continued to eat. I gasped, grabbed his bicep -ignoring the tingles that immediately ran through my hand- and turned him around. "I said you need to leave."

"And I told you I can't."

"I don't give a fudge if you're the Prince of Looney Town. I don't care if you have money. I don't care if I'm your mate!? Just get the fuck out of my house!"

He looked hurt by my words. Ali just stared at me, shocked that I would even say something like that but I didn't care. I was tired of this guy coming here like he lived here and bothering us. Well me. Suddenly, he went rigid and he stood up so fast, his chair toppled over. I took a step back as he towered over me and I gulped.

"Ali. Go call the police," I whispered as I kept my eyes on him. He was shaking and he growled as she moved behind me.

"No!" he snarled and she yelped. I jumped back and he just growled again before snapping his arms forward and pulled me into his chest. "You're MINE! And I'll just prove what I'm talking about."

He kissed my forehead and dropped me a few feet away from him. I quickly ran to were Ali was hiding and hugged her as he looked at us with dark eyes. Oh man. We are soo dead.

When he began to take off his clothes, we both yelped and I covered Ali's eyes as I failed to move mine. Just one peek at his chest had me practically drooling and I couldn't look away as he slowly peeled off the rest of his clothes. I could tell a giant smirk was on his face but my mind was somewhere else. Somewhere....dirty......

"Don't you dare!" I screamed and finally closed my eyes as he pulled down the last piece of his ensemble. I heard his throaty chuckle and then it was silent. I dared to take a peek to see if he was gone, but when I heard what sounded like bones breaking, I started to scream and hugged a screaming Ali closer to me.

"Oh god! Please don't kill us!" I cried as I tried to shield her crying body as best as I could with mine. "I'll do anything! Just please don't hurt her!"

I heard a huff and a whimper and I just closed my eyes even tighter. I flinched back when I heard heavy feet getting closer and by now, we were both crying our faces off. When something cold and wet touched my arm, I yelped again and jumped, released Ali. My eyes opened on their own accord to see Ali staring with wide eyes right behind me. She let out a blood curling scream and passed out.

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