Mall Confession

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The message was stuck in my head for the rest of the day. I made a mental wall as soon as I stepped out of the room and plastered on a fake smile as I met up with the girls.

"Are you ready to go out and see your land?" Mags squealed and all I could do was nod. When I stepped outside for the first time since arriving here, I took a moment to breathe in the fresh air. I felt different pairs of eyes on me and I shuddered as I thought of some red ones.

Stop thinking about it Delilah! It was probably your imagination!!

Deep inside of me though, I knew it wasn't my imagination. Somehow, and I wasn't sure, Dimitri managed to get me a message, and if I wanted to keep my sister alive, I had to meet him in two weeks time.

"Come on! Stop standing there like a tree and move! You have freedom.... We'll sort of!! Lets go!" April screeched as she pulled me to a fancy, fast looking red car. She immediately pushed me to the middle, making me the meat in a sandwich. Her and June were the bread. Yum. Mags got on the drivers seat while Rose -Thomas's mate- got in the passengers seat.

"What type of car is this?" I asked, trying to make some conversation. I didn't really care..... I just wanted my mind to be occupied so I wouldn't think of.... Well you know.

Mags quickly looked behind me with a shocked expression before the car purred to life and she sped away. "A Tesla," she murmured with a shrug. "We -I'm sorry YOU since Alex owns them all- have better cars. This was just the first one that was closest."

"What happened to the army he said was going to come with us? I mean I know you girls are tough, and capable of protecting me in close confrontations, but what if the-" I stopped as all eyes went to me. Rose quickly moved Mags face back to the road and I heard April sigh in relief.

"I guess you can't sense them like we can," June murmured as she took her eyes off from me and looked out her window. "They are completely surrounding us so you are perfectly safe." She took a deep breath and released it, making the window foggy. With her pointed finger, she drew a smiley face with a tongue sticking out and laughed. "You see that black van in front of us," she continued as she pointed to it. I followed her finger and then nodded when I saw it crossing through a tall wall. We soon followed through. "That van is carrying ten wolves. And if you look to the back, you will see a similar one with the same number." She said this as she looked at her chipped nail polish. When she saw my shocked expression, she just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. "And that doesn't include the twenty wolves running around us."

"What?!" I gasped and strained to see out her window. Sure enough, I saw about ten wolves running through the trees, keeping pace with the fast vehicle. "Wait that's not fair. Why do they have to run while half of them ride in vans?"

Rose quickly turned around and gave me a small smile. "Don't worry. The forest doesn't stretched that long. We have cars hiding there and they will follow us the rest of the trip."

"We have this all planned out. Why do you think Alex agreed in the first place?" Mags laughed as she slowly made the car go faster.

I nodded and looked down to my itching hands, clearly ending that conversation. It took my mind a few seconds to start to think of my problem and once it did, I couldn't help but to pay attention to it.

What is he planning on doing to me once he has me? Is he going to force me to..... I couldn't even finish that thought. An involuntary shudder ran through me and all eyes went to me. Mags turned on the heater and I gave her a small smile before I looked down again and started to play with a loose string on my sweater.

True enough to her word, the forest ended an hour later. We stopped for about three minutes so the men could get dressed and placed into cars. Not a second more, and then we were on our way again. That had been the only pit stop we had made so far from the last two hours. Throughout those two hours, my butt went numb and I was beginning to get hungry. I knew they heard it because one second, we were going at normal speed and then the next second we were speeding up.

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