The Matthews

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I woke up with a pair of brown eyes staring down at me. The bloodcurdling scream that escaped my throat didn't seem to faze him; instead it just made him look confused before he turned around in a circle.

"What? What's wrong!"

"How did you even get in here!" I shrieked and quickly moved my eyes to the door as my back pressed into the cold wall. The chair I had propped was missing it's back two legs and was laying to a side as the door stood slightly opened.

"The door?" He asked confused as he pointed to the spot I was looking at. "By the way, you shouldn't block the door like that. You can get injured."

"GET OUT!" I shrieked and he flinched. He shook his head and took a step closer to me but I just screamed. He raised his hands up in a 'I surrender' mode and sighed.

"Fine. Would you like-"


With another sigh, he walked away, closing the door and I slumped down to the floor. Alex. I'm sorry. Please come for me.

I heard someone knock on the door a few minutes later and I groaned. I didn't even bother saying anything and apparently the person didn't care as well because they just opened the door. Why bother knocking anyways? "Are you alright?"

I wanted to shake my head when she said that, but I just stayed still. I heard her getting closer to me and I slightly lifted my head up from between my knees and whispered, "Don't get any closer."

"Alright. I just came by to give you these." I heard her shake some type of bottle and I quickly looked up again. She showed me the label and my mouth dried as I remembered the news from yesterday. I slowly released one of my arms from my knees and stretched it out. She quickly placed it in my palm and then took a couple of steps back. "Can I get you anything else?"

"No." She nodded, curtsied and began to walk away. "Quinn....." She stopped and quickly turned to face me. "Thanks."

She smiled, flashing her fangs and I shuddered. "Anytime. Just call me if you need anything and I'll be here in a flash."

I nodded, even though I knew I would never do that. She left me alone and I just hugged the bottle closer to me, silent tears falling down my cheeks. Alex I need you. Please get here soon.

I didn't realize I had been in that position for long until I heard someone walk in without knocking and I slowly looked up. The small red indentations of the bottle that marred my palms were the only signs of the time and I slowly released it without taking my eyes off of him.

"Why don't you get up, shower, eat something and walk around. Being holed up in this tiny room isn't good for you." He murmured as he sat at the foot of the bed.

"I don't care. You told me you would tell me the things you know about my parents and you haven't yet. You're just a liar and I want my mate back."

He hissed slightly and I flinched, my back hitting the hard wall again. "Alex will never find you. Besides you are mine and I won't let go of you."

I picked up the bottle from the floor and flung it at him. He stopped it inches away from his face with two fingers and he just sighed as he placed it on the bed. "I'll make you a deal." Great. Another one. "Go take a shower and eat something. I am getting worried since you didn't eat dinner yesterday."

"I haven't eaten anything since two days ago but whatever...." I mumbled under my breath and he narrowed his eyes at me. Did he hear that? I mentally slapped myself and rolled my eyes. Of course he did. He probably had the same heightened senses as werwolves.

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