Stalker Mate

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We didn't move. Nobody moved a muscle as Alex took a deep breath and then spoke so rapidly, I didn't catch a single word he said. By the time he was done talking forty-five seconds later, Ali and I were staring at him opened mouthed, our brains trying to catch up to the moment.

"I know what I just said is a lot to take in, but I would still like to hear your thoughts." When I didn't answer him, he started to slowly panic and took a step forward. "Was it something I said? Princess, what's wrong?"

I finally got my voice back and I gulped before blinking rapidly. "It was something you said. It was exactly what you said."

"I don't understand?"

"We.... I.... Well I didn't understand a single word you just spoke. Did you even breathe?"

He frowned and moved his head to the right, making him look even hotter than he- wait no! What the heck was I thinking!? Get your thoughts back in order Delilah! "You did say I only had a minute to speak so I told you the short version of it. Did I go too fast?"

I glared at him as he shifted in his spot like little ole me scared him with just one look. Yeah right. Like this big, buff, sexy..... handsome... I shook my head and looked away from him. What in the world was happening to me!? Why was I even thinking about him like that!

"Will you like it if I started over?"

"Duh. Slower this time," Ali answered for me, although I wouldn't have said it like that. I would have probably been... nicer.

He took another deep breath and nodded. His hands twitched besides him as he looked at me before he finally slowly moved them up to his face, where a huge smirk was displayed. I blushed, turned my head so I was staring at Ali instead and brought her closer to me.

"As you can probably tell by now, I am a werewolf; an Alpha King werewolf to be exact. An Alpha King is basically in charge of every single other pack in the world.... Almost exactly like a normal King, but with so much more power." I nodded in understanding while Ali stared at him with big eyes. It took a bit of my inner self to not jump out of the bed and start running out the door at the mention of more werewolves. He wasn't the only one out there, but more importantly -and spine-chilling- he was in charge of them all. I faintly noticed as Ali sprawled out lazily on her bed with her head on her hands as she stared at Alex as if he was telling us a bed time story. A scary bedtime story.

"Anyways, every werewolf out there has a mate that was specifically chosen by the Moon Goddess. A mate is basically what you call a soulmate; someone who is meant for you. Someone who is your exact opposite or in some cases, the same, weird person as you. You won't be able to stay away from them and you will always be thinking of them. There will be a bond that connects you and your mate when you complete the uh.... the uh ritual and that will make you feel and know what the other person is thinking. You, Maeve, are my mate. My wolf won't be complete without you, that's why I can't leave you. He won't let me leave, even if I wanted to and I'm telling you right now, I will never leave." I shuddered at the way his voice went down an octave while still remaining sexy and he smiled. "Since I am the Alpha King, you will be the next Alpha Queen if you accept me."

"And if I don't?" I whispered so softly, I thought he didn't hear me, but I was way wrong. He immediately took a step back as his face changed into a mournful cry and he whimpered while clutching the spot on his chest where his heart would be. He actually whimpered.....

"Please don't reject me," he whispered so sadly, it broke my heart. "I've been waiting so long for you, it will kill me if I can't have you."

"Won't you get like a second mate out there?" I asked softly again.

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