Chapter 12: Bad Combination

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Chapter 12: Bad Combination

MJ's P.O.V.

Hate, death threats and brain cancer? Bad combination! Do the boys, I mean, my parents know? Answer is, OF COURSE... NOT. Why don't I tell them? Duh. It's going to burden them! The hate doesn't affect me, NOT AT ALL. Those bullies? Yeah. Remember those bullies? I'm used to it. The feeling is pretty mutual. Well, or let's say, usual. Just not face to face this time. But, death threats? Come on! It's a totally different thing! I mean, I never encountered those before. Death threats are WAY worse than hate. Hate on me, I don't mind. Send me a death threats? Isn't that just too much?!

Oh, and if you're asking, I am on chemo already. And let me tell you, IT HURTS! I have to look very healthy and well when I'm not. I don't even know how they don't get suspicious of me. Every Thursday, I go home late. Not so late though, I go home at 7 o'clock; thinking that I should actually stay confined in the hospital for a whole day. And during those time when I'm not with my parents, those are the times that I receive a lot of death threats. That's why sometimes, I get tempted to tell them about what my real condition is, but sadly, I just can't. It would break their hearts to pieces when they know that I receive death threats, hate, and more so, that I have, BRAIN CANCER. What's worse than having those three as a combination? I thought my life would be at least a bit better after being adopted. But boy, was I wrong!

One day, when we were in the mall, a little girl about the age of 7 approached us. My parents asked, “Love, do you need anything?” “Umm... actually I do.” the girl said sweetly. “Well... may I know what it is?” Niall asked sweetly. “Well.. umm.. may I talk to your daughter?” She requested. I was surprised. I just pray that this girl doesn't send me hate or give me another death threat. That'd just be terrible. “Sure. MJ, she could talk to you, right?” Lou asked me. I nodded and wore a bright smile and went towards the little girl.

“Umm... Hi!” She greeted shyly. “Hi, sweetie. What is it you want to tell me?” I asked while bending down to her height. She suddenly tackled me into a hug. I chuckled and hugged her back. When we both pulled away, I saw tears on her cheeks. Are they happy tears? Sad tears? And why is she even crying? “Sweetie? Why are you crying?” I hesitantly asked. “It-it's just that... I would like to apologize. My sister sends you hate everyday and she also sent you a death threat.. I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that my sister's friends made a hate page for you... Sorry. And I really look up to you because you are strong. You do not let those hate put you down. I'm sorry again.” the little girl apologized. I smiled and wiped the tears falling from her eyes. “Thank you. I never expected anything like that to come from you.. well, from anyone actually.” I thanked and explained. Oh my flapjacks! I totally forgot that my parents are here. Great! Now they know about this! “SHELLY!” someone screamed. The little girl turned her head and faced me again. “I'm sorry. I have to leave already.” the little girl said then scampered away. Now, I have to face my parents...

A/N: :O The boys know now! UH OH. Thanks for the 20 reads last chapter! :) 20 reads again before I upload the next chap! Thanks, Readers! <3 Fan/Vote/Comment please. :) -M.J.


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