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"Some eyes touch you more than hands ever could."

- unknown

One Month Later...

Angelo's POV

"Please... stop" The guy wheezed out as I wrapped a hand around his neck, tightening my grip.

"You should know that I don't go easy on those who betray me, even if you did work for me" I replied before punching the side of his jaw with my other hand. He then fell to the floor as I released the hold I had on him.

Before he could get away I grabbed ahold of his hair and dragged his limp body to the other side of the room. Lately there's been an amount of supplies that has gone missing.

It didn't take long for Marco to figure out what was going on. I just wasn't expecting one of my men to be the mole.

"I-I can't die boss. Please have mercy... I have a daughter, and a son on the way" He pleaded before I jabbed the side of his waist, him screaming in return.

Just as I got the knife from the drawer, a hand stopped me. I turned around to see that it was Marco.

"What?" I snapped. He sighed before taking the knife from me, placing it on the counter.

"As much as I agree with you, and understand why you're pissed off... I think we should hear Ivan out. He's been working under you for a while now. Just a little after I began shadowing you. He knows how we operate, therefore I don't think he would do this on a whim. Something must have happened" He explained.

I then watched as Marco helped him sit on the chair that was in the middle of the room, blood trickling down his face.

"Alright, now explain yourself" Marco stated.

He looked between the two of us before tears began to stream down his face, "If I talk, then he might kill them" Ivan replied.

"Listen, you either explain your side, or deal with Mr. Grumpy over here. I won't be able to help save you from his wrath again" He said, earning a look from me.

Ivan then looked at me before speaking, "It was about three weeks ago. We had just finished collecting one of the products and a guy showed up out of nowhere. No one else was around at the time.

He showed me a picture of my wife and daughter... I didn't know what to do. The guy even knows where I live and where she works. He said no harm would come to them as long as I did what he wanted" He explained.

"And that was to steal from your boss" Marco added, Ivan nodding his head in response.

"Do you remember what he looked like? Or what his name is?" I asked.

"He had his face covered, so I'm not sure. I don't know if he was telling the truth, but he said that his name was Zion" Ivan replied before wincing as he moved slightly.

Marco looked shocked at the name before turning to me, "It's Diamanté" He muttered out.

"I know"

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