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"Storm in her eyes, peace in her smile"

- v e n t u m

*Theres a little smut scene towards the end of this chapter*

Nina's POV

"Listen to me Nina, it's not your fault" Luca told me for the fifth time, wiping tears from my face.

We had been at the hospital for about four hours now since the incident occurred. Angelo had lost consciousness on the way here. When we arrived  the doctors were quick to take him for immediate surgery, us now on lockdown.

"He wouldn't have gotten shot if I didn't rush over there-" I began.

"Angelo is going to be alright baby, I promise you. You did what you had to do, he sees it the same way. I would've done the same thing if I was in his place" He explained before placing a kiss on my temple, pulling me closer to him.

"We should have them make sure you're alright-" He began before I quickly shook my head.

"No, I'm fine" I replied back, him sighing.

"You're still just as stubborn" He muttered out.

After a while, a nurse came into the waiting room. "Mrs. Bianchi, we finished taking a look at your sister. She only had a few cuts and bruises but other than that, she will be just fine" She stated with a small smile on her face.

Hearing Mrs. Bianchi felt weird... but in a good way. Luca decided on telling them that Angelo and I were married so I would be able to see him.

"Thank you... what about Angelo?" I then asked.

"We just finished operating on Mr. Bianchi and he is stable for now. They just moved him to his room so you're welcome to follow me and I'll let the doctor take things from there" She explained, the two of us now getting up to follow her.

Just as we made it to the room, a doctor came out and closed the door behind him. Both him and the nurse exchanged a few words before she went back down the hall, him now facing us.

"It's been a while Mr. Bianchi" The doctor greeted before gesturing for us to have a seat.

"It's good to see you again Eli" Luca replied as they shook hands.

"I presume that this is the young lady you've brought up in many occasions? The wife that I'm just now hearing about" He teased before smiling at me.

From the way they're talking to each other, I would say they're pretty close.

Luca chuckled at his comment, "We haven't gotten that far in the relationship, but I'm sure you already know that"

"How do you two know each other?" I then asked.

"I go way back with their father... and I may have operated on Angelo a few times. Most of them being a gunshot wound like today" He explained, now leaning back on the wall.

'I'm fine Nina, it's just a bullet' Angelo's words from earlier came back into my mind.

"What's his condition?" Luca asked him.

"As always, Angelo was lucky. Extremely lucky this time. Out of the many times he's been here, I was a bit worried with the placement of the bullet. If he would have moved a bit further than where he was during the incident, the bullet would have made direct contact with his heart, killing him instantly.

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