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"Pain changes people."

- saint (via saint)

Nina's POV

After a while, I managed to make it to the destination Ryan told me about.

I didn't waste any time and quickly got out the car, heading towards the big building that looked like it hadn't been used in a few years. Typical spot.

As I neared the entrance, two men suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed ahold of my arms, keeping me from doing anything.

"I'm here to speak with Ryan" I stated before wincing at how tight they were grabbing onto my wrists as I tried moving.

One of the men laughed before pushing me to walk ahead of them, towards the entrance. "Oh we know all about you Nina. We'll be getting to know each other better real soon" He whispered against my ear.

I couldn't help but shiver in disgust as we entered the building, dread now coming over me.

"I wouldn't do anything reckless Jack. You know what boss said-" The other guy began.

"Who gives a fuck? It's not like her little boyfriends are here to do anything about it. Boss doesn't actually care what we do to her so it's fine. He doesn't have to know" The guy named Jack replied with a smirk on his face.

I made an attempt to free my wrists from their grasp but it was still no use. "Come on Nina, I can't help but wonder what's underneath this jacket of yours. You don't have to resist, I promise it'll be fun" Jack stated.

"I dare you to lay a finger on me you sick bastard. I'll make sure you're never able to have children if it's the last thing I do" I spat out in anger, watching as they looked at me in shock, Jack soon smiling.

It wasn't too long before the sound of someone laughing had us all looking in the direction it was coming from, it being Ryan.

"Nina my dear, I see that you were finally able to make it" He stated as he walked until he was standing right in front of me. I noticed that the side of his face was bruised and he had a cut on his bottom lip.

I'd love to give kudos to whoever did that to him.

"You're still as feisty as ever... just like your mother" He added with a smile on his face. It took everything out of me to not knee him in the balls when he roughly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"It truly is scary how you look just like her, especially when she was in high school. It's like I'm falling in love all over again" He proclaimed. I couldn't help but scrunch my face in disgust at several things. His words, the smell of both booze and cigarettes coming from him. He reeked of it.

"Jack why don't you be a good boy and go fetch me the rope?" Ryan asked while eyeing my body, his eyes filled with lust. If they tie me up, then I'm done for. I won't be able to escape with Hailey.

I watched as Jack walked past us, Ryan soon pulling out a gun from his pocket. "You want to know something? This is the same kind of gun I used to frame your father when I killed that person" He said in amazement, both fear and anger coursing through me as I tried freeing myself from the other guy's hold.

"Ryan listen-" I began before he playfully pressed the gun on the side of my face, shushing me. I could feel as my heart was racing like crazy.

"It's gonna be alright dear. I'm not gonna kill you, not yet anyway. That would be a waste. I just want to show you what happens to those who defy me" He reassured, soon moving the gun away from me.

My Boss & His Brother |18+|Where stories live. Discover now