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"It's not over until I win."

- unknown

Nina's POV

It's been about a month since the incident happened and everything has pretty much gone back to normal.

Hailey recently started going back to school, reassuring both dad and I that she was fine. I couldn't help but be shocked from how she's able to act as if nothing happened. Dad also had been trying to get me to see mom who's currently in a rehabilitation program. Hailey being stubborn like me, only agreed to see her when I do. I knew that I would have to go see her soon... but a part of me was nervous.

What would I say? Has she gotten better? There's so many questions swarming around in my mind that I barely know what to do with myself. Even to this day, it still amazes me how dad can be so forgiving.

Angelo was still stuck at home, much to his dismay. Both Luca and I have had to alternate between making sure he didn't try to do anything too rash, and today just so happened to be my day.

Just imagine how surprised I was to find Angelo cooking in the kitchen... when he should be in bed.

"Seriously Angelo? How many times do I have to tell you to rest?" I asked as I made my way over to him, trying to take the bowl from his hand.

He scowled at me before lifting the bowl up where I couldn't reach it, "I'm fine Nina. I'm not bandaged up anymore and Eli said I'd be good in about 4-5 weeks" He told me.

"Yeah he did say that you'd be fine in about 4-5 weeks with rest" I corrected, him now sighing like a kid who's tired of being lectured before walking to the other side of the counter.

"If you're not trying to cook, you're either attempting to clean or sneak off to the club. You haven't been getting the rest you need Angelo" I scolded.

"I love you Nina, I really do... but I can't handle eating nothing but frozen waffles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I've been holding off long enough. You and Luca have been killing me this past month" He stated as he went back to mixing the ingredients.

I couldn't help but scoff at what he just said, "How come you wasn't complaining when you ate it earlier today? Or yesterday?" I asked, placing my hands on my hip.

He looked up at me with a tight smile formed on his lips, "Because I love you and didn't want to point out how lazy you are... and my mom taught me to not ever waste food" He pointed out.

"Unbelievable" I muttered out before giving up, realizing I wasn't gonna win this argument with him. He did have a point.

"Can I get a kiss?" He then asked with a small pout on his face as I sat to the table.

I looked at him and smiled before replying, "No you cannot. There will be no more kissing or sex until I change my mind" I replied, feeling pleased with his reaction.

"That's not fair... you've barely touched me since I got back. How come Luca gets all the affection?" He asked while pouring the contents into the frying pan.

"Because he's not injured, and he doesn't purposely give me a hard time" I explained, smiling when he groaned out.

"I can't win" He muttered out before shaking his head, I didn't miss the smile that was on his face.

After a while he finished with the turkey and cheese crepes and we were sitting at the table eating. It wasn't too long before the sound of the front door opening and closing was heard.

My Boss & His Brother |18+|Where stories live. Discover now