17. Shopping

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Harry's POV:

I look at Malfoy and Zabini back and forth. I look to Hermione for some sort of refusal, but she shrugged her shoulders and nodded. I mentally groaned. God forbid my best friend being supportive of my so called relationship.

"Fine." I say exasperated. "But the moment I hear a snide remark I'm walking away." I said crossing my arms, suddenly cold, even in my jacket. Parkinson rolls her eyes. All of us start walking. We've captured a lot of attention. It is quite strange, how two groups of enemies are casually hanging out.

What are the odds of that happening ever? It's not like we ever see Voldemort and Dumbledore shopping together do we. "So. Potter and..." Zabini clears his throat. Parkinson is freakishly quiet. "Friends. Where were you headed to?"

I didn't feel like talking. It's cold and my lips are frozen. "A café." I said, my teeth grinding. Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Harry, are you alright? You look like you're about to catch a cold." I look to her and shook my head. "I'm fine." I try to sound normal.

"Let's walk a little faster so we can get inside. It's warmer in the shops." Hermione says everyone agrees silently. We arrived entered Madam Malkin's clothing shop. At this point I feel like I'm shivering still.

"Potter, you look like you'll freeze to death, literally. Is the jacket made from cheap fabric or what?" I shoot him a sharp look. He raises his eyebrows and looks away.

"Let me warm you up." Hermione spreads her arms open to hug me but Pansy quickly went to my defense (?) "Back off red. I'm pretty sure it's better if Draco does it. His boyfriend." Hermione looks like she's both angry and is about to laugh violently.

She puts her hands up and nods. Dear god. "Draco." Parkinson gestures to me. Malfoy is hesitant. He slowly inches closer to me and I'm about to scoot away when I remember we're supposed to all over each other. I stayed still. Ron is suppressing his stupid smile.

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly. Malfoy awkwardly puts his arms around me. "For the record, I don't care if you're cold." He mumbles on my shoulder.

A few moments later, we started to melt into the embrace properly. It was... uncomfortable. After our friends are scattered in each sections of different clothing, he speaks again. "...Are you still cold?" His friends are still looking. Discreetly.

I put one hand on his lower back. "No... er thanks." I whisper back simply, my voice cracked. He lets go of me and glanced at me for only a moment before going back to his friends. I went to Ron and Hermione. They're picking out some outfits for upcoming events.

My eyes divert to Malfoy and his friends unconciously. Parkinson is whispering something while giggling and he's rolling his eyes. Zabini's not even trying to hide his smile. I look back at Hermione. She's shaking her head at Ron's choice of clothes.

Which I admit, is silly and funny.

I picked out some clothes of my own and thought I'd probably need a lot since I've outgrown most of my clothes. Which I find strange, still growing out of them at this age. As everyone's satisfied with their shopping, it was time we pay. Zabini was up first, finished shopping the earliest.

"Now that I think of it. You two are the most richest couple in Hogwarts. Probably most in the whole wizarding world." Parkinson says randomly. "What, with the Malfoy name and the obvious Potter fame and fortune."

She was right of course, but I didn't even think about it like that. I'm now realizing the many risks that comes with dating Malfoy. "I deserve the best and no less." Malfoy says snobbishly. I roll my eyes. "Yes. I am the best in the market after all."

I say biting back but sounding genuine and purely agreeing with my boyfriend.

I paid for my clothes as the rest waited for us on the side. Seemingly chatting. What does Hermione, Ron and Zabini all have in common to be able to converse with each other? I'll just ask them later. We walked towards them with both of our hands occupied with bags.

"I suppose our day ends here." Zabini says. And so it did. "I'm thinking of doing another party sometime next week. Or the week after. It was fun yesterday right?" Parkinson cheers. Hermione was the first to agree. Looks like they're warming up to each other.

Which would be quite nice if it wasn't Pansy Parkinson. But I decided to keep quiet about it. It will be good for Hermione to have a girlfriend even if it was Parkinson out of all people. I look at Malfoy but he was already looking at me. He tears his eyes away almost immediately. Huh.

All of us went outside of the store. "It was... nice today." I said. And it was strangely the truth. "I'll see you guys around." I said again, but mainly looking at Malfoy. I gently grabbed his arm and planted a kiss on the cheek as a final goodbye.

His cheek was cold. My lips were warm. It felt unusual. I walked away before getting a look of his reaction.

We separated ways as me and my friends walked the way to the school and the Slytherin's to god knows where. I refused to look at Ron. He will make fun of me to no end. "So Harry... are you and Malfoy getting serious?" I look at her. "Oh- er. Yeah I guess so..." I say trailing, no knowing what to reply to that.

"Are you guys planning anything in the future? I mean I know it's too soon to ask but considering you both had known longer than I have you, I feel like it was appropriate to ask anyway." I raised my eyebrows. Plans in the future? I unconciously imagine me and Malfoy being a legitimate couple in the future, living together and being domestic.

"No... we haven't talked about plans yet. You know, living in the moment and all." I say. "Oh. I see. Well I'm glad to see you a little happier these few days." Hermione smiles at me. I forced a smile. Nothing's changed. How can I be happier? If anything I should seem more gloomy.

But I wouldn't want that would I. I'm in a happy relationship with Draco Malfoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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