2. Offer

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Three of us went through the Great Hall and took our seats on the Gryffindor table. I glance around to spot a particular someone. A blond head of hair appeared on the corner of my eye. Undoubtedly Malfoy.

He came in through the doors and all eyes were on him. He had his head up straight but he didn't look arrogant. Just... empty. Hermione whispered in my ear

"He looks different doesn't he? He looks ill, almost."

I rolled my eyes.

"What difference is there?"

I couldn't care less about him. I want to solve my problems and he's my solution. He has to agree. I'm not going to leave him empty-handed, of course. I'll give him a once-in a life opportunity and offer. One he won't be able to refuse no matter how big of an ego he has.

Professor Minerva came in on the spot and everyone was immediately silenced.

"Welcome... students of Hogwarts. As you are aware, I am now in position of Professor due to Albus Dumbledore's passing."

Whispers spread around the tables. Professor hushed them all.

"I haven't stopped giving my speech so please allow me to speak."

She clears her throat.

"I'm very sorry for the great loss all you have faced this and the past year. Truthfully, I think everyone lost someone. Even I have, and I'm internally sorry I couldn't protect this school with more security. I give Harry Potter and his friends who are involved with a humble thank you. I will be making the dorms preparations differently for the 8th years. And I'm willing to bend the rules for them if they cooperate with eachother. As for the rest, we can get back on track as normal. Thank you for listening."

She got down and went to her table. There was a lot of things to process here. But I decided to think nothing of it. There was too much on my mind. Everyone got to eating. I can see Malfoy on the Slytherin table playing with his food.

I pulled out a crumpled tissue and start writing on it with Hermione's pen that I asked for. I begin to write. As soon as I finished, the tissue flew to Malfoy. Feeling like 4th year innit?

Malfoy's POV:

A piece of fold up crumpled tissue with my name on it flew straight to me. I quickly grab it and put it inside my pocket. I decided to not read it yet. Not infront of all these people. They'd think I was being suspicious. I didn't have the appetite anyway, I stood and went out the door.

I leaned towards the cold stoned wall and unfolded the paper

'astronomy tower at midnight.'

The paper says in a messy handwriting. My mind didn't really cooperate for a moment. I'm usually sensible in these matters. Someone would be probably waiting for me there to hex me or kill me because I was- am a death eater. But my curiousity got the best of me and I decided to go.

If I end up dying then maybe it's for the best. I'm miserable here anyway. I'd gladly thank whoever was there to kill me. Killing myself isn't exactly honoring. Getting killed might not be too, but better then a self-pitying story on the news page.

I sigh.

I went to the astronomy. It was far from midnight, but I figured I'd go for a peace of mind. I sat on the cold stone floor. I waited and it didn't seem long until it reached midnight. Maybe I just got lost in my own track of thoughts.

I stood up to lean over the railing, for a better view of the stars. I hear footsteps but I didn't reach for my wand. I stayed still and turned around. There was nobody here but I could swear I can sense a presence here with me.

"Who's there?"

I said pathetically. It's been long since I actually spoke. My voice has become frail. Maybe I should've get used to talking again before coming up here. I finally raised my wand, being a little paranoid. He reveals himself by removing an invisible fabric. My mouth open agape.

"P-potter ?"

My wand slowly lowered, but I held it up again. He looks different. His hair isn't as messy as it did after he cut it off. He looks more mature.

"Why did you call me up here ?"

I look at him, expecting an answer. Whatever could Harry Potter want from me? I have nothing to offer. And even if I did, it's a question of why he'd come to me.

"Lower your wand, Malfoy. If someone sees you pointing your wand at me they'd hex you to oblivion."

He says simply. I lowered it immediately. Classic Savior of Hogwarts. Coming to gloat, is he? Might as well kill him. Wouldn't regret it. He comes closer to me. My hand grips on my wand in my pocket. He stops, leaving us with not much of a distance. It was silent.

But I can feel my heartbeat getting wild as he comes close.

"What do you want from me?"

I can see Potter's challenging smile. It made me uncomfortable.

"I want you to date me."

I freeze. Nothing of what he said got to my head. Did I hear him wrong? I almost burst into laughter, but my energy had drained. Is he black-mailing me? Is this revenge? There were many questions I want to ask. But I only could make out a word.


"You heard me. I want you to date me."

I scoff.

"Such a Gryffindor way to ask me out. It's really sweeping me off my feet, Potter."

He rolls his eyes.

"As if I'd ask you out on an actual date. I want us to look like we fancy each other for publicity."

He stares at me, letting me know he is infact serious. I looks at him, puzzled.

"You want... the press to see us together?"

"What I said."

He says that with casualty. I looks at him skeptical.

"Why? What do you gain from this? Is this a sick prank?"

I begin to look for a camera or any of that sort. But there were nobody but us. And I couldn't see any gadgets lying around. I hear he silently scowl.

"It's not about what I'd gain. It's what I hope I'd lose."

I look at him, slightly shocked but hoped my poker face had come into effect.

"You want the wizarding society to hate you? For being gay?"

I crossed my arms. He shrugged.


he says. I sigh.

"What do I get for this? If you want your reputation to burn, I have no complaints. I'd cheer it, even. But mine is already dragged in dirt, Potter. If I do this with you, which I'm almost sure I won't, I will get killed in less then a week."

He made clicking sound with his mouth. He puts his hands in his pockets. I now realize how cold it's getting up here. I copy his actions and put mine in my pockets.

"I know. I figured you'd say that. I had an offer ready."

He stops to look at my face before he continued.

"I know you don't care for money. So I'm offering you freedom."

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