11. Papers

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He walks away from me. A small smile forms on my lips. I shook my head and went to the Gryffindor dorms. When I arrived, Ron and Hermione were close on the couch, having hushed conversations. Hermione sees me through the door, and Ron looks at the direction she was looking.


I come closer and sat next to Hermione, edge of the couch.

"Sorry about him, Ron."

He shakes his head.

"I talked to Hermione about it. It's fine."

I look at Ron, eyes slightly wide.

"Talked to Hermione about..."

I trailed. He sees my face and shakes his head slightly, Hermione doesn't see.

"Just about how pissed off I am at that prat."

Ron shakes his head and Hermione touches his arm.

"I dealt with it, you know?"

Ron nods.

"You'd better."

Ron huffs with a tiny smile visible. Hermione gets up.

"I should probably get to sleep."

Ron groans, like he knew this was coming but dreaded it anyway.

"Can't you stay for a few more minutes?"

He pleaded. I grin at his clingyness.

"I can't Ron. I have to study early tomorrow."

Ron takes her hand in his, leading her back to the couch.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You know, you've been stressed out so much and I don't think it's healthy 'ermione... I mean, the exam is months away!"

I let them ramble as I went upstairs for bed.

"Night guys."

I say on the stairs, they greet me good night. And after that, I went straight to bed and fell asleep. Th next morning, as I descend on the stairs the next morning, I'm unexpectedly greeted by Malfoy. The stairs left us right to each other. I raise an eyebrow. He curse under his breath.

"Well good morning Malfoy. Had a good night's sleep after yesterday's events? Or rather... trouble sleeping?"

He rolls his eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself Potter."

Malfoy says when in fact, he did have a hard time trying to shut his eyes and sleep. Deja vu hit me in the face when I remember Malfoy saying just a few weeks ago how he thought it'd start with conversations on the stairs as it connects. I slowly step closer to him. And I'm pleased to see he did not back away.

I see his hand resting on the hand-rail. I touch his hand ever so slightly. Gently. And for some reason a fire ignite in me. Maybe it's because of yesterday's events, I'm not sure. I know he felt it too, his face harden. I trail my hand on his hand, on his fingers.

"Was it how you thought it would be? How you thought I'd do?"

His gaze did not break. He did not break eye contact.

"Yes. I knew you'd do something stupid that would make us both uncomfortable."

It's funny seeing him like this, all serious. He's usually snarky, full of remarks, sarcastic. I'm sure people have started noticing us, but I don't pay any mind. I've learnt to really ignore it and enjoy Malfoy's pain and sufferance.

"Smile, Malfoy."

He grumbles. He slowly cracks a small smile, relaxing his eyes.

"Don't you find this nice?"

I say, playing with him. Keeping up with us having  sweet 'conversations'.

"I find it intolerable."


I hum in a condescending way.

"Maybe it's time we go to class. And for me to... repay you."

I smile sweetly at him. He's confused. My hands went to his arm and I lean forward to kiss his cheek. He freezes. I walk slowly past him as the stairs connects to the ground. I let my hand linger longer onto him. As I walk down the long halls of Hogwarts, I'm suddenly greeted by Neville.

"Oh! You caught me by surprise."

I say, taking one step back. He looks at me curiously.

"Er... is something wrong?"

I ask him slowly, trying to read his behavior. He silently hands me the newspaper he was holding onto. I had a sneaking suspicion it was about that. My 'relationship' with Malfoy had gone too long for it not to be noticed. I took it from him and he crosses his arm, still with no emotion.

I open the mews paper to analyze what they've written about me now.

"The Boy Who Lived spotted canoodling with Pureblood Death Eater Malfoy."

There is a whole article and a very intimate picture of me and Malfoy snogging. I put aside the article to study the picture. The way it was taken, the way Malfoy was pinned to the wall.

"So... I guess you two are official then?"

I finally hear Neville's voice after his silence for so long.

"I suppose. The Prophet was always tailing me, Neville. Always on my back. It's no surprise this came out. I couldn't hide it anyway."

I shrug. I hand the paper back over to him and he sighs, nods and takes it back from my hands.

"Well, people are saying you're hypnotized. Or were coerced. Or that you're under a spell."

I laugh at him and stopped as soon as I see he's actually serious.

"Don't be silly Neville. Have you seen the picture? Believe me. If anything, Malfoy is stuck with me. Not the latter."

I say truthfully. Because really, he's stuck with me. He raises an eyebrow.

"Anyway. We should be getting to class. We'll be late. Plus, with all that dorm moving later."

I walked past him and I see some people holding the paper. Too many people. They are very interested in this. Intrigued. That's good. That should keep people talking, and keep making awful assumptions as they always do. And probably what I do with Malfoy behind closed doors. What they think we do, at least.

"You really swept him off his feet, huh?"

Ron whispers during the lecture. I snickered quietly.

"What makes you say that?"

I say with much confidence.

"Oh you just want me to say it don't you? You've grown to love these mind games."

His smile widens.


I grin.

"I saw the picture in the papers. You know, it'd be awesome if he actually fell for you. That could be your ultimate revenge. On behalf of everybody. Yourself, me, Hermione and the rest of the people he's terrorized."

He says, stopping mid sentences so that the professor doesn't notice we're talking.

"Brilliant. I like the way you think."

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