5. Class

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I put my hands down.

"How? You've spent your whole life hating him. Complaining about him countlessly! Like literally, you were a menace towards him. He couldn't have fancied you after all that."

Yikes. I think of an answer. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"We... put our differences aside. We've grown."

She quirks up an eyebrow.

"Really. Give me one reason why you fancy him."

Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. She still doesn't believe me. I struggle to say what I like about him. Because there's not one thing about him that I like.

"His... his hair."

I started.

"His eyes. His clumsiness. The way he holds quills. His face when he's focused."

I continued, and stopping myself. She looks surprised. As soon as I realized, I did too. I got carried away. I'm not sure why I even know so much about Potter. Well, I used to use the excuse of wanting to make fun of his every move, but now I've got no excuse.

"How did it start? Why didn't you tell me Draco?!"

She starts shouting at me, and I'm surprised by her anger. She's shaking her head while looking down on the floor.

"Astoria, why are you upset?"

She looks at me rediculously for a moment, then proceeds to stand up and exit the Great Hall.

"What's she mad about?"

Blaise asked me, seeing her walking out childishly.

"I have no idea."

I say simply. Blaise looks at me like I'm at fault. Then he tears his eyes away, to continue his conversation with the other Slytherins. I sigh. I play around with my food, not eating it. I look back up to where Potter is seated. He's still looking at me. But he's stopped eating.

His friends are talking to him. He answers while staring at me. His himbo friends doesn't seem to notice he's not paying attention because they're stuffing food in their face. His stare was intense. Almost looks possessive. But what is there to be possessive of?

I look away. I look at my drink. I chug it in one go then decided I should retire to class already. I clutched my bag in my arm, too lazy to wear in on my shoulder. I had Arithmancy. I enter, and I'm early, as I expected. I sat down, grateful a moment of silence and peace.

I look around the class, appreciating privacy. Sets of double tables are facing the chalkboard on each side of the wall, lined up. I open up my book, I start writing on it. I was engrossed in it, truly. I didn't hear the door open. But I definitely hear someone scooting the chair and sitting next to me. I close my book immediately.


I turn to him, eyebrows furrowed. He has his cheek resting on his hand,  looking at me weirdly. He shrugs.

"I'm in the same class."

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you are."

I rolled my eyes. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"People will start coming in here. Cut the attitude. And don't think our plan applies to the students only. I need the teachers to see us together too."


"They're going to know anyway. I did mention I want the newspaper to print right? About us?"

I look to my side.

"Yes... Yes, I'm aware. I just don't think showing affection infront of the professors are... appropriate."

He looks at me like it's obvious. I raised an eyebrow.

"We're not trying to be appropriate. Eventually, we'll have to escalate further into this relationship."

I sneer at him.

"There's no 'relationship'."

"To them, there is. So you better act like there is one. Because Malfoy, if I promised you something and you don't make it to your end of the deal, Count your days."

It sounds funny when he says it like that. But I don't think he's playing around. Besides, I've made a deal. I'm not backing out. I'm just uncomfortable doing anything affectionate infront of professors. Or... at all. Imagine if they caught you and say something.

"I'll do it, Potter, seriously. You take everything in the wrong context. Just tell me what to do."

"Easy. Giggle at the things I say, I'll purposely stare at you, the professors will tell me to stop, yadayada. Go with the flow."

"Your plan is going with the flow. Acting like we're a couple when I have zero relationship experience and is disgusted to even sit beside you. Give me instructions, Potty, if you want your plan to work."

He raises his eyebrows.

"You've never dated a girl?"

"Never fancied them. Never found a girl worth my time."

"Oh, so you think you're better then everyone."

He says, bored. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No. I just... never had the time."

When are the classes going to start?! We've been in the classroom long enough. It's bad enough Potter's next to me. But talking to him about my private matters is blurring the lines.

"Wow. That's a surprise. I've always thought you've played around with girls to another. I mean, not even Astoria? That's surprising coming from you."

I roll my eyes for the second time today.

"I'm not a player like you, Potter. My mother raised me better than that. And quit mentioning Astoria. We've never dated. Tired of people asking me if I fancy her."

He leaned back on his seat.

"Yeah, I saw her shouting in your face earlier. Why's that? And I'm not a player."

"I've seen you on newspaper snogging multiple girls, Potter. No point in lying now. I don't know why Astoria was shouting at me. It came out of the blue."

People starts coming in. Thank Merlin. If this conversation went further I think I'd rather jump out of the window. His elbow collided with mine and I turn to him with furrowed brows.

"Do it properly."

He whispers. I sigh. Slowly, I put my arm into his, tangling it together. He was shocked to the sudden touch at first, but relaxed into it. Our shoulders leaned on each other. I shudder.


Whispering, again. Students were already shocked me and Potter were sitting next to each other without wanting to kill each other. Seeing this gesture will certainly spread word. I can hear distinct whispers passed through-out the tables.

My reputation is already tarnished. Dating The Boy Who Lived couldn't be worse. Professor Vector finally arrived. She slammed her books onto the table and took a deep breath.

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