1. Scandal

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My eyes woke to Ron's loud snoring. I look around and saw Hermione struggling to read a book, trying to concentrate but failing to do so. She huffs in annoyance and closed the book, leaning on the seat.

I smile.

"Trouble reading, yeah? Trust me. I've been living with Ron and I can't get used to his snoring. Wakes me up everytime."

I say, the smiling wider seeing her crack a smile. It's hard for Hermione these days. She doesn't smile often, cancels plans and spends her time in the library. She's worried about the final exam that are coming up

Multiple months away.

So she's been very stressed out and ate very little. All of our friends are worried but once Hermione sets her mind to whatever it is, she will not and cannot change her mind. So the best we can do really, is just provide whatever she needs so she can feel comfortable in the process.

I'm worried for her, but the others were already getting out of the train. I didn't want to face the camera shutting, and reporters yelling at me. I wanted to worry about that later but the train was already stopping.

The train hoots loudly as Ron woke up startled.

"Come on Ron, the train's stopped."

Hermione stood up and got her bags. After she's got hers and Ron's, she handed them to Ron as he start to walk to the exit.

"You're going to stay here for a while aren't you? For a few minutes?"

Hermione said, holding my hand. I nod.

"Yeah. I don't want the reporters harassing me."

It was her turn to nod in agreement

"Just promise me not to be long, alright? We'll wait for you Harry, take your time but don't stay here forever."

She said with a small smile on her face and left. I sigh, and sat back down. I was deep in my thoughts. This unwanted attention and unnecessary fame needed to get off me.

I just need some kind of... scandal. Something that the wizard community has not yet normalized and have outcasted so that it wouldn't be ideal for young wizards and witches. So I wouldn't be an 'idol' or a 'god' to be praised for.

I also needed the girls to stop harrassing him and groping him. I'd grown so tired of that. Annoyed, really. It was like I was a toy, displayed on the shelf for everyone to touch and play with. I shook my head and went out to think about it in my dorms.

I was cornered by a couple of news reporters, some must have gone away and thought I wasn't coming but most knew I was completing his exams this year.

They were shouting at my face. I was feeling very over-whelmed and as nice as I am, with my pure heart bullshit and politeness, I wasn't having it today. I needed to think about a lot of things.

What I would do after school, jobs, quidditch, what I would do with my parents money and where I would move to. Which I might have found. But the point is, snobby newspaper reporters wasn't one of them.

"How do you cope with the losses you have faced in the war?"

It was the last straw.


Energy radiated from me as my eyes turned gold for a split second and it pushed the reporters away, leading me to a clear pathway. I walked, raging. I rubs my eyes with his hands. I'd set a boundary on live, telling them not to mention the losses that I had cause and I had faced on newspapers.

I don't mind them asking about a memory about them. All the good stuff.. Yelling their name for their braveness. I don't mind that. Infact, I encourage it. But I didn't want the victims to be mentioned for the sake of people's 'amusement'.

The idea is, they'd like to see what 'The Boy Who Lived' or 'The Saviour of Hogwarts' would react or do if any of them are mentioned in a direspectful manner. It's disrespectful and degrading of the dead.

All of this is just amusing to them and they were putting no respect to them or me for that matter. I had one boundary and that was crossed. I can't tolerate the public anymore. I don't want to tolerate this for the rest of my life.

Ron and Hermione were seen waiting for me, and I walked straight to them. Ron and Hermione were talking to each other, with concerned looks. When Hermione saw me, she went straight to me.

"Harry, are you okay ?"

She stroked my arms in form of physical support.

"Yes Hermione, I just... need time to think."

"Guys, let's go. The gate is about to close any minute now and I don't think we want to be stuck there with ...them"

Ron said then pointing behind us. All of the reporters were back up and running towards us. So quickly, we ran to the gate. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Bloody hell."

Ron said sucking in deep breaths between his words. Everyone was panting actually. It was all so maddening.

"Well. At least we got rid of that monstrosity of a problem. Let's go shall we? I'm feeling quite famished."

Hermione said then taking the lead to the Great Hall. Ron whispered to Harry in a hushed tone

"I've never seen Hermione telling us she's hungry and we've known her since she was... well, forever"

I snickered and tried to keep it low but Ron's was much louder. Hermione turned around to see us laughing and looked confused.

"What are you two idiots laughing about? Without me?"

She stopped. Ron controlled his laughter, coughed for a dramatic effect and shook his head. I was smilling to her and I could tell she was annoyed and I hushed up a laughter. She rolled her eyes, but secretly curved up a smile.

"I have a feeling this year is going to be different. A lot more different."

Ron said as I slowly formed a frown. Ron was right. It was going to be different. I'll make sure it is. Just as I finished my thoughts, Malfoy entered the Great Hall with some of his closest friends.

He'd grown distant to a lot of people so his circle is quite small now. He's been kicking it off low, too. He's no longer throwing hexes at me in public. Or even insults to me and my friends. Maybe a little glare and snarls here and there, but that was just about it.

Truth be told, I missed it. I miss having someone who didn't treated me like I was someone who people kiss his feet.

Aha! Bingo. An idea clicked and I knew just what to do. Malfoy is now apart of my plan. And I plan on this idea succeeding.

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