13. Room

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I walk over to Potter warily, with Pansy tailing on my back.

"Po- Er... Harry."

Potter looks back at me, wide slightly at the mention of his first name. I shake my head slowly and tilt my head towards Pansy who appears from behind me. We both reached to a silent understandment.


Pansy nudges my shoulder and I look at her in warning. She raises her eyebrows and shrugs.

"I was curious... whether or not you have a roommate."

Say yes. Say yes even if it isn't the truth. Please. I look at him intensely, shouting mentally for him to say yes.

"No. I do not. Why do you ask?"

He looks genuinely confused and I closed my eyes, pursed my lips, knowing what will happen. Pansy smiles widely and wrapped an arm on my shoulder.

"Well, dear Draco here thought it was a good idea for you both to room together! You know since you two are together and all. Isn't that right Draco?"

I roll my eyes and shrugged her arm off of me.


I say annoyed. Potter looks regretful. He looks pale all of a sudden.

"Oh. Er... of course!"

He exclaimed. He smiles, but I can see his eye twitching And even I know that's as fake as it can get.

"Alright then, I'll leave you two be."

She's satisfied with his answer. She kisses my cheek, I'm annoyed but I let her. Right after she leaves, Potter drops the cheery face.

"Seriously? You want this? Isn't rooming together too extreme for this fake relationship?"

"Don't flatter yourself Potter. I didn't want this Pansy practically forced me to."

Potter rolled his eyes.

"Right, of course. I forgot women are your weakness."

"Watch it Potter. I live with you now. I can do whatever I wish as you sleep."

He looks at me amused. What?

"Oh really? I look forward to it then."

I make a face.

"Disgusting! In your fucking dreams."

Potter laughs a little. I look away in embarrassment.

"We should get our bags and get a room."

"When you say it like that, it makes me want to puke."

He shoves me. I smile to myself.

"You know what I mean."

"I don't, but if you're so desperate for me then we shall do as you wish Potter."

"Eugh! I am not desperate for you. I'd rather do anybody else."

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