10. Unified

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"I'm sure all of you are questioning on why I've asked you here, and sitting at one table. I've come to a decision. We don't normally have 8th years here, but since last year things have changed. Many of you did not get to finish your exams. Hence, the reason of 8th years existence. All of you are now adults. And it seems wrong for you to follow limitations of regulations. So, I've decided to put all of you in a unified dorm. A dorm for all."

Everyone is still confused. She lets out a slight annoyed breath before saying,

"What I mean is, I've fixed up the destroyed corridors and have made it your dormitories. You are no longer defined by houses. This will make your freedom, and your new rules a lot easier."

Hearing that, I'm suddenly aware of Hermione's absence.

"Where's Hermione?"

I asked Ron. He shrugs.

"She's with Luna. I think she's gone crazy."

I roll my eyes.

"Don't say that."

A few moments later of silence.

"What rules?"

A student asks.

"Excellent question. Though all of you are adults, you are very much still reckless. But not to worry. The rules are very simple and short. Lights out by 12AM, parties are negotiable, alcohol is allowed but by controlled intake and absolutely no physical fighting within castle walls."

Wow. Those are it?

"The colours of your cloaks will be black and grey, making this decision official. Any more questions before I retire you all to your new dorms?"

She waits. A voice calls out.

"What of the room arrangements?"

"Well, the rooms will be different. Since all houses are combined, though not many students came back, there are too many pupils to put in a limited space like what we've done with normal dorms. So I've asked for personal bedrooms to be made for two students to stay in. And I'm very pleased to tell you that you may choose your roommate."

She smiles at that comment and looked proud. She should be.

"You'll be moving in tomorrow. The professors in each house will help you settle in. With that, this meeting is adjourned. I expect all of you to be on your best behaviors."

Professor Minerva steps off and exits the Great Hall. Other people scatter. Ron looks at me.

"Hell. I have a feeling this year's going to be a blast."

He smiles widely.

"For you, I bet. Going to go crazy with firewhiskey?"

Ron looks thoughtfully at that question. Then ultimately sighs. He shakes his head.

"Nah. Hermione would go full on blast at me for even getting one sip after that incident."

I let out a laugh. My guffaw apparently offended Malfoy, as he grunts quietly.

"Letting your girlfriend control you Weasel? As expected."

Both me and Ron looks at him, our heads turning slowly.

"What did you just say to me, Malfoy?"

Ron says, his voice getting dangerously low. I warn him with my face.

"Well, it's obvious isn't it? You're no good by your own. Always need women in your life control you like an animal."

He spits at Ron and Ron lunges to Malfoy which I dare to get in between.

"Ron! Ron stop."

I held Ron and he looks at me ridiculously.

"Get out of the way Harry. I mean it."

I shake my head slowly.

"I'll handle it, alright? Just calm down. We can't make a scene here."

"Then where?!"

He shouts.

"Calm down! Do you want Professor McGonagall to hear you?! She just said no fighting! Control yourself."

I push him back into his seat.

"Tsk. Like I said. Controlled like an animal."

That comment was my last straw.

"Alright let's go, Malfoy."

I say angrily, getting up and pulling him by the arm aggressively. I pull him out of the Great Hall to the side.

"For Merlin's sake can you control your fucking tongue?"

I yank away Malfoy's arm and he rolls his eyes.

"Oh yeah you'd like that don't you? Controlling my tongue? In a different matter you mean."

He says spitefully. Our argument was getting pretty far heated, there were a lot of things we disagree on obviously, and everytime, it turns into an argument. But this time it's serious.

Malfoy's thrown a lot more vicious comments then this, that's evident. But this time I'm not tolerating it. I'm going out on a limb to be civil and he's just not helping at all. Especially when we're supposed to be 'smitten' with each other!

From the corner of my eye, I see a shadow. I don't need to look at it's direction to know it's a person. I look at him alarmed, stopping our argument. Malfoy looks at me confused by my abrupt pause and alarmed face.

"Kiss me. Right now."

I whisper to him in a rush.


Before he could give me a look of disgust, I grabbed his sweater and without warning, I kissed him. His hands were on my chest, trying to push him off by creating distance, not giving in to the kiss. I don't know what changed his mind, but after a few seconds he's slowly kissing me back.

His hands slither to my waist and the other to the back of my neck. The kiss was more then enjoyable. It was... erotic. His lips were nothing like I'd imagine. He tastes delicious... and his lips were soft like I'd thought.

At that moment I forgot that the reason I kissed him was because there was someone watching us argue. I forgot we were being watched. His lips distracts me completely. My hands were on his cheek, and the other running through his hair. His unnaturally soft hair.

All I knew was it was dark and I wanted more. But we were just not close enough. I hungrily pushed him on a wall, he makes a grunting sound and I didn't want to admit, but it turned me on.

On that thought I stopped.

We both look at each other, panting. We were so close. I look behind me, the person fled immediately after I turned. Malfoy pushes me off.

"What the bloody hell Potter? I knew you were a queer!"

He looks at me angrily as he wipes his lips after licking it. I huff and look at my side, with my hand in my hair, annoyed.

"Someone saw us arguing. If you don't want us forced to escalate to kissing then maybe you should've kept your fucking mouth shut."

I say quietly. He groans and leans on the wall.

"Should've known you were f-"

"Say that word and I'll hex you."

His mouth closes but he snarls at me.

"Hex me? Hell, I should hex you for kissing me!'

I roll my eyes.

"Stop being dramatic. You could've hexed me. But no. You kissed me back instead."

I look at him and tilted my head slightly. He avoids my eyes.

"Whatever Potter."

He walks away from me. A small smile forms on my mouth. I shook my head and went to the Gryffindor dorms. When I arrived, Ron and Hermione were close on the couch, having hushed conversations. Hermione sees me through the door, and Ron looks at the direction she was looking at.

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