12. Dorm

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"Yeah, except that it's Malfoy we're talking about. You think our long-standing feud could turn into infatuation? Absolutely not. I speak for both me and Malfoy."

I say, snapping Ron out of his dreams. Ron rolls his eyes.

"I mean, couldn't it? There is a very fine line between love and hate."

I slowly turn to Ron with narrowed eyes.

"So you think I love Malfoy?"

"What! No! I mean, I don't know? Listen, all I'm saying is Malfoy could possibly be attracted to you. He's always targeting you isn't he? Out of everyone he's hurt, he's hurt you the most."

Ron says defensively. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Yes, because he's jealous I have his dear father's attention more than he does. And he loathes me for that. Or- it's because he's a fucking death eater and I'm the 'Chosen One'! Choose your pick."

I say sarcastically even though it's true. I don't like referring myself as the 'Chosen One' but I dread to think of the actual possibility me and Malfoy could somehow develop feelings for one another other than hate.

"Aight mate. If you think so. Just saying that's way too many excuses and there can only be one. Which is true; it could be either one of those. Or the reason you deny. Sexual attraction."

Ron says smiling. Goddamn it. He's getting a thrill out of embarrassing me.

"Ron. I'm warning you."

"Fine, fine. I'll stop. Anyway, after everyone's settled down, Pansy Parkinson's invited us all for games in the new dorm's common room. She says she's brought drinks."

"Pansy Parkinson? Wow, she's invited all of us? Gryffindor's too?"

"I know. Surprising isn't it? She says since Mcgonagall says all houses are equal now, she couldn't resist the fun."

"The 'fun'?"

He shrugs.

"I have no idea. After this class, we can go assign ourselves a room."

"Oh, alright. You wanna room with me mate?"

He shakes his head.

"Sorry Harry, I'm rooming with 'Ermione."

"What? Seriously?! Is that even allowed?"

"Well, yeah it is."

I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on man, I don't wanna room with Neville! He's a loud snorer!"

He smiles and shrug.

"Is he really your only choice? You're going to have to figure it out later."

As time passes by, all students were dismissed. And everyone quickly went to the new dorms just about at the destroyed corridor. Professor Mcgonagall had followed us. She spoke of the password; which was as simple as 'unitatem'.

And as we got in, it's obvious how beautifully repaired it is. Whoever did the work was clearly talented. Everyone lets out 'wow's and 'whoa's. We looked around the spacious dorm. There was a lot of colours involved, but ultimately blended very well together.

But an obvious colour was chestnut maroon, which really ties it all together. The dorm doesn't feel as suffocating, it feels comfortable. Just like the rest, the middle was the common room with a fireplace infront of the couch, with a love seats between it.

There was a big window next to it, with a window seat. And the stairs were open, not closed of with walls unlike the other dorms. And it was wide because next to the stairs were doors to rooms intended for the students. And the upstairs were a proper floor with doors between walls and the front of it.

On the back of the wall, where no doors were present, was a home bar. Not strictly for alcohol of course, but for snacks and food of that sort. Our bags were all huddled outside by the tall door. The reason for Professor Mcgonagall presence was, she wanted to make sure personally that we had no problems.

"I take it there's not a problem?"

She says, breaking the silence. Everyone complimented the dorm and there was no complaints.

"Right then. I will head to my office. Please assign yourselves to the rooms present."

She says as she leaves the door. Ron, next to me asks;

"So, you figured it out yet? Who you're going to room with for the entire year?"

He nudges my shoulder.

"Not yet. I've no idea Ron."

"Well you'd better figure it out soon. I'm going to Hermione, she's already picked out a room."

Draco's POV:

Pansy was being unnecessarily excited. Sure, the structure is beautiful and elegant, but it's nothing worth throwing a party for. A party I'm obligated to go. And Blaise is apparently rooming with Pansy which is apparently allowed.

I've got no choice in this matter. I wish I could room alone, because everybody in this room is incompetent. And partly because I have no one to room with.

"So who you rooming with, Draco?"

She smirks . She knows I have no one to room with. She specifically roomed with Blaise so that I'd have no one to room with. Brat.

"Shut up Pans."

"Oh but it's so fun! Come on, why don't you ask your boyfriend?"

She says, getting closer to me and raising her eyebrows up and down. I shrug her off my shoulder. I refrain from getting vocally violent.

"He has someone already."

I lie. I don't even know where he is. Surely my lie is the truth. He has options. Pansy makes a long 'hm' noise

"Does he? Then why does he look clueless there? With none of his best ginger mates beside him? Oh! Because they roomed together. Where does that leave dear Potter?"

She leans over, and points to him. I look at him, suddenly aware of his presence in a crowd of people.

"The weasels aren't the only friends he has, Pansy."

I say, pushing her behind me, as to not get his attention.

"Oh come on now. Please? Just ask. Ask and I will leave you alone. I promise."

I groan.

"Begging me now, are we? What happened? Why do you suddenly approve of Potter being my lover?"

"Oh, for Merlin's sake I'm trying to have fun in my senior year! This will be the last year I get to see my best mate with his enemy- now lover, together!"

She seems to be getting impatient.

"Fine. I will ask. It will not be the answer you so 'desire', but your offer still stands? You'll leave me alone?"

She nods.

"I'm confident Potter doesn't have many friends you think he has."

I roll my eyes.

"I will consume all of your alcohol Pansy."

I let out a defeated sigh and walked towards Potter with Pansy following my trail.

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