7. Out

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"You mean... you think they're shagging?"

The last word was not but a breath, I almost missed it. I shiver to the thought of people thinking we're shagging. Snogging might be better in this situation.

"What other explanation is there? I mean, they haven't shown an ounce of kindness towards each other until recently. And this is more than kindness alright."

The other laughs quietly, stifling it in.

"Oh, that's a good one. You're right, probably. I mean, they couldn't even look at each other without it ending with someone bloody last semester."

"Literally. Maybe it's sexual tension."

I stopped eavesdropping at that comment, and went to my bed as I shut my curtains. I shake my body off, trying to calm myself from the bubbling anger within me. It's alright. My reputation is already tainted. This can't be worse. This cannot be worse. This is for mother.

I begin dressing myself, comfortably this time. I dress myself in the same trousers I wore earlier, as I paired it with a sweater. It was almost dinner, and I am dreading to see the look on the other Slytherin's faces when I enter the Great Hall.

They've definitely heard about the rumours. When you associate yourself with the Chosen One, the word spreads like hellfire. One reason why Potter is a prat.

I don't hear anymore conversations, so I open the curtains and walked to the Great Hall. I had a small book on my hand, some incantations for tomorrow's class. It will also keep my distracted from... fuss. I made way to the Great Hall and as I went in, everyone went silent.

Oh I hate it when they get silent and start focusing on  me.

I walk to my table, and see my friends talking with each other, some smirking, the other sullen. I sit next to them.

"Oh hey Draco."

They greet me politely. I narrow my eyes on them.


I replied.

"So, I find it quite interesting that you didn't tell me you and Potter has been shagging!"

Pansy almost shouts the last sentences.

"Merlin! Pansy, keep your voice down!"

I say, rushing to keep her mouth shut. I run my hand down on my face.

"Yeah, Draco. Like, what the fuck? I mean we knew this would happen sooner or later, but not telling us is just pure betrayal."

Blaise smirks. I groan.

"Pure... wait what do you mean you would know this would happen?! It's- It's..."

I almost blurt out that we're not anything of the sort. That I hate the son of a bitch and cannot stand his face.

"It just hasn't been going on for long."

I say shortly. I slump my shoulder, annoyed that I agreed to this deal in the first place. I look away, onto my plate. Pansy pouts.

"Well you should've told us so! I had to find out from freshmen, really? Even they know the current hot gossip before I do. And it's about my best friend! How humiliating."

She hits her head on the table. I roll my eyes.

"My sex life is supposed to be private. I didn't plan for the whole school would know I'm raw-dogging Potter. And I'm quite shocked you didn't find out sooner. Astoria stormed out of the Great Hall right after I told her."

I narrow my eyes at Blaise. He avoids my eyes. She gasps.

"You told Astoria before me?!"

She's says angrily. I throw my head back in annoyance.

"Yes I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you."

"Just like you didn't know how smitten Potter is with you? And on that note, Astoria was looking quite upset. She wouldn't come out her room."

"I can't blame him, could I? One night with me and I guess it changes perception."

I smile a little, finding enjoyment. Blaise raised an eyebrow.

I feel someone staring again. And it distracts me. It's practically burning my head. I look up. Potter stares right through me with an emotionless face while the mug went to his lips.

No matter how hard I try, I couldn't peel my eyes away. He's so far away yet it feels like I can see his eyes fiercely, like it's right infront of my eyes. His eyes slowly travels around my face, making me do the same.

"Draco? Draco!"

Pansy shouts in my ear. I snap out of it. I look at Pansy, and later noticed the entire Great Hall silent. They were all looking at me and Potter. The Gryffindor's at Potter, Slytherin at me, and the rest of the houses glancing back and forth.


Pansy mocks me.

"'You... you what? Your eye-fuck with Potter was loud? Yes. It was."

"I- I was not! I was not, Pansy. I was not eye-fucking Potter."

I say quietly, looking around. She looks at me unbelievingly. The rest was so quiet even if me and Pansy had whispered, everyone could hear our hushed conversation.  Blaise puts a napkin to his mouth to cover his sly smile. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Okay. Answer me this then. One right answer. Were you eye-fucking... or undressing each other with your eyes?"

I look at Potter who looks like everything is amusing to him, while looking quite innocent. one of his ginger friends the mud-... Granger is looking at him confused. Huh. The other ginger doesn't seem phased at all. What a weird dynamic...

"I did not do any of those... indecent acts! I was just... I zoned out and it just happens to be on... him."

I whisper hysterically, not meeting her eyes now. Instead I try to distract myself with the plate infront of me.

"Sure, sure. You know Draco, I've never really pegged you as a... bottom type."

Pansy says, slowly putting a spoonful of food into her mouth while looking at me. I spit my tea, and then I covered my mouth. I grunt, and coughed in pain as the hot tea in my throat burns.

"P-Pansy, seriously. Your comments will be the death of me. Will you not speak of my sex life on the dinner table? For Merlin's sake. I am not a bottom. I'm not sure how you even got that information from."

I wipe my mouth, my trousers and my blouse, eyebrow furrowed in annoyance. Now my pants are wet too. Great way to start the evening.

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