Chapter 14: (Trouble with the Gods)

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'Ishtar?!' My eyes widened open at the sight of the goddess who was here and standing rather confidently in front of us.


Ishtar was in front of us as she was floating a few feet off the ground with a confident look on her face and a hand on her bare hip.

'What is she doing here?' I must've had an incredulous look on my face as I stared at the goddess but for good reason.

Ishtar never comes to Uruk other than for coming to see me and she comes rather discreetly to avoid arousing Gilgamesh suspicion or anyone else's which was odd since she enjoyed having a grand entrance but her reason for coming in such a secret manner at times is...

"It would bother you if I made a big deal every time I came so for now I will settle for this unfitting manner to make you more comfortable, you should be grateful I am a gracious goddess"

That's what she said at least but I had a feeling that it was because she wanted to spend alone time with me but regardless it was strange for her to show up here and now of all times.

"What are you doing here, Ishtar?" Gilgamesh asked with an unusual growl in his tone as his red eyes zeroed in on Ishtar who was unfazed by the blonde expression.

"That's not a way to address a goddess such as myself and why do you have that look on your face" Ishtar replied back with snark clearly she wasn't happy about Gilgamesh attitude towards her and Gilgamesh was about to open his mouth to retort back but Enkidu intervened.

"Pay it no mind, for we were simply not expecting you" Enkidu placed a hand on Gilgamesh shoulder as a signal to not open his mouth which was probably a smart thing to do given my dad temperament.

"Hmph whatever I shall allow it to slide this once, since I am in a good mood" Ishtar twisted her head to the side and crossed both her arms over the other as if she was some sort of child.

"... Excuse me but why are you here in Uruk?" I spoke up in the most polite way I could think of to address a goddess though I could see out the corner of my eye my dad giving me a weird look.

Gilgamesh always did see himself as equal of the gods if not above them and he never acknowledged them because of how he was born, 1/3 human and 2/3 god, he was in a position that no other being was and therefore acted accordingly to that.

He did as he pleases and no one could say otherwise less he throw a rage fit.

So it must've been an odd thing to see his daughter, someone he views as an equal (not really she's just a little below him but an equal somewhat) to act polite towards a goddess he detests.

"Well I came here for a good reason" immediately after I asked my question, Ishtar whole expression changed as she suddenly became happy and floated down to the ground.

"Then speak already" Gilgamesh said impatiently clearly more than ready to be rid of the woman and Ishtar gave an insulted look on her face as she looked at Gilgamesh but quickly recovered.

"Ahem, rejoice! for I have a proposition for you" She cleared her voice before stating her words in a very confident manner that honestly would make most people wish for her confidence.

"I want her as my daughter" Ishtar said with no hesitation as she pointed at me.


Everyone was dead silent and no one moved a muscle as they all kept their eyes on me with wide open eyes as if they couldn't believe their ears when they heard Ishtar spoke.

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