Chapter 3: Act 1: (A Meeting With Grandmother?!)

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2 Years Later~~

Being 7 years old now is pretty useful because I can do everything on my own.

"Do you need help with that? Little one?"

'...well almost everything...' Enkidu voice had snapped me back to reality and that was that I was trying to get a stone tablet from the shelf but couldn't reach.

"It's alright princess gone on and admit you need help." And Lucas smug smile and voice irritated me, immensely...

"I mean it's not like you can use magic to get the tablets down like me—"


Lucas ramble has been cut off short thanks to me.

"...Athanasia do not throw a pillow at Lucas simply because you are annoyed by him..." Enkidu began to scold me.

"Than he shouldn't have made me angry..."

"Right, listen to sir Enkidu, princess it is rude for you to throw objects at your friends especially if your a princess." Lucas was not helping with the irritation I felt and his face looked really good to punch right now...

"I can tell you aren't listening... So therefore" The green haired male had grabbed my arm and pulled me to my desk and sat me down before setting down a bunch of tablets in front of me.


"As punishment you must read through all of these and give me a detailed report on their contents." Though he was smiling Enkidu eyes looked very threatening right now and I felt myself shrinking back.

"Good luck princess~~"

"Lucas I'll have to ask you to refrain from making fun of Athanasia at this current moment of else I'll also have assign you a punishment." I wasn't the only one getting scolded and this made me feel a little better

'Haha loser~~' I stuck my tongue out at him when Enkidu back was turned and Lucas looked pissed for a moment before regaining his composure.

"Yes of course, forgive me." The black haired male strained a painful smile that was funny to watch.

Right now both me and Lucas were studying in the library with Enkidu watching over us.

Now how did Lucas managed to get into the palace?

Well... he demonstrated impressive ability in magic and became a magician but I wanted him to be with me so he became my personal mage and my playmate which Lucas had agreed to because that was what he was even in my past life.

But right now me and Lucas have a track record of getting violent with one another to the point Enkidu was starting to sit in on our times together.

"Hey... I wanted to ask but what are you going to do now?" Lucas asked suddenly when Enkidu had left the room to get us some snacks.

"What do you mean?"

"Now that 'Athanasia de Alger Obelia' is dead and 'Athanasia the first princess of Uruk' is now here what are you going to do?" Hearing my old last name being used felt weird maybe it was because Gilgamesh didn't seem to have a last name and that my surname was just Uruk.

"Well... I plan to live this life like I tried to do back than." I gave my most best and honest answer I could give right now.

"Yeah well... your dad here is a little insane what if there's a chance that he might kill you again like your other dad did." Lucas voice got lower at the mention of my death in my previous life and potentially this life too but it did raise a question.

"...Hey Lucas, how did you found out that I died in my previous life?"

"I heard it from your maid, Lillian and after I found out, I went looking for you." His nonchalant reply had left me speechless for a moment

'Aww he does care about me— and wait did her say Lily?!' In a single moment I stood up so quickly that it startled the black haired boy.

"Lucas how was Lily! Was she alright?! And how was Felix as well, did Daddy hurt them?!" I bombarded him with questions and poor Lucas didn't know which one to answer first.

"First calm down, I don't know what happened to Felix as for Lillian she looked very sad and was crying when I last saw her but your father didn't seem to hurt any of them." The answer made me calm down a little but knowing that Lily was crying because I was gone made me sad...

"But why are you asking this now? Instead of 4 years ago when we saw each other again?" Lucas was right to question me because I hadn't asked him anything like this before.

"Because... I was too afraid." This had caused Lucas to raise an eyebrow

"I was afraid that... I still cared about them and that I hadn't accepted the fact that I had died and now I'm irrelevant to that world now." I told Lucas how I really felt which was odd because I never did tell anyone about that.

"Your not irrelevant to them..." those words snapped me out of how I was feeling


"Because after you died everyone was upset from the maids to the knights and even some of the nobles because they lost their one and only princess of Obelia." His words made me feel happy knowing that they still cared for me.

"...Really you think so?"

"Yea, why would I lie to you?"

"Mmm I don't know..." I sat back down on my seat and lied my head on the table slouching a little.

"Hey... don't think to hard about that now, it's your past life for a reason and it no longer has anything to do with you so just focus on what's in front of you." Lucas got up and patted my back trying to comfort me and it worked.

"Since when did you get so good at comforting people?"

"Do you want me to stop?" 

"N-No..." I was about laugh at how Stupid we were but then footsteps suddenly invaded our ears.

"Athanasia... we must go immediately." It was Enkidu and he looked a little more panicked than usual.

"Enkidu? What's wrong?" I got up from the seat and the green haired male came up to me.

"It seems we have a unexpected guest and she wants to meet you." He smiled softly  except there was a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Enkidu... who is this woman?"

"Well... I should just go ahead and say... she is your grandmother



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