Chapter 12: (The Rescue)

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"I finally found you" the voice resonated in the air clearly belonging to a male and a very familiar voice at that.

When me and Ereshkigal turned our heads to see someone with red eyes that pierced through the darkness making it easy to tell who it belonged to.

"Lucas!!" I yelled out.


"Lucas, your here!" I couldn't help but stare at the male in front of me

"Of course I am wha—" before Lucas got the chance to finish his sentence, I cut him off with a tackle.

"Why did you take so long?!" I couldn't help but yelled at him as I squeezed him tightly meanwhile Lucas was momentarily shocked but he allowed me to hug him before gently grabbing my arms and pulling me away enough to look at my face only to see that I had small tears in the corner of my eyes.

"Princess..." Lucas mumbled out in shock but he quickly recovered and coughed a bit to regain his composure but he continued to hold my arms.

"Well I took so long because I had to find the underworld and your dad wasn't helping by ordering me to stay in Uruk" Lucas said with a visible distaste on his face as he looked more annoyed than anything but I became curious at the mention of my dad.

"My dad! Lucas is he alright? Wha- who am I kidding of course he's alright but where is he?" I began to bombard him with questions but Lucas for some reason looked more annoyed again

"Uh... excuse me I'm still here" the voice of Ereshkigal reminded me that she was still with us as both Lucas and I turned our heads to see her looking timid and shy which is unusual for a goddess.

"Who are you?" Lucas asked with an eyebrow raised much to both me and Ereshkigal shock.

"Lucas! That's Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld!" I was quick to rebuke him as I slapped his arm with hand my several times.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!! Can you stop?!" He yelled as he grabbed my arm in trying to stop me and he succeeded

"Anyways who are you?" This time it was Ereshkigal who questioned Lucas appearance perhaps because she could sense that something was off about him as well.

"You don't need to know my name" Lucas on the other hand replied back bluntly clearly he didn't care about Ereshkigal or he just had no fear, probably both.

But Ereshkigal certainly seemed taken back by Lucas attitude towards a GODDESS, it was true that Ereshkigal very rarely talked to anyone and lived in isolation but even she hasn't been treated like that by anyone.

Well maybe except for Ishtar.

"I'm sorry Ereshkigal, this is Lucas he's my friend and he's like me" I felt bad for this poor goddess so I quickly apologized for Lucas.

"Does that mean, he is from another world?"


"Wait! You told her?!" Lucas who was calm and collected earlier was now yelling at the idea of how I spilled the beans to someone else.

"Well, yeah after all the whole reason I ended up in the underworld is because Ereshkigal suspected me to be different from other people" I began to explained to him everything that happened and his face took on an understanding look as he nodded but also a bored look...?

"So you told her your secret because you felt bad?" Lucas raised an eyebrow as his face took a judgmental look clearly he wasn't too happy.

"Well she was suspicious anyways..."

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