Chapter 10: (Moments Before disaster)

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It was nearing the end of Gilgamesh birthday festival and I was currently in my father room with him relaxing from the people and officials who was talking my dad ear off.

"Dad you should really go back to the main throne room..." I told him as I popped a grape into my mouth as began to chew on it.

"Do not tell me what to do and those old fools will come for me once they grow desperate" Gilgamesh retorted back as he sipped on his wine from his golden cup which I see him doing a lot nowadays.

'Leaving all of your subordinates to deal with those officials is pretty cruel...' I silently sweat dropped at the behavior of my tyrant father who was being himself at the expense of others like me for example.

"But still... why do you bring me along?" My questioned got my dad attention as he looked at me for a moment before resuming with his wine.

"So you can deal with any problems when I'm not around"  he lazily answered but anyone who knew how Gilgamesh is would know that not the truth.

'I bet you just want me to deal with all your problems when you don't feel like it?!' I could feel my vein popping at the side of my head at the thought of having to deal with my dad nonsense I mean I was only trying to survive not become a ruler.

"..." I slumped in depression a little but I felt a hand on my hand and I looked up beside me to see Gilgamesh patting my head.

"... don't look so down after all... it's you who I want to succeed me..." he gave one of those rare gentle smiles that no one ever sees except for me but whenever he did I always seemed to sink into comfort.

But I didn't say anything instead I leaned my head on Gilgamesh shoulder as he moved his hand from my head to my right side of my shoulder and pulled me in close with his other hand holding his nearly empty cup of wine.

And for a while we just stayed like that even when he finished his cup, Gilgamesh just placed it on the table nearby us and it was peaceful...

...until it wasn't...

Soon footsteps were heard which caused Gilgamesh and I to turn our head to the door that led into dad bedroom and soon we saw Siduri standing at the doorway looking a bit tired as if she just tried to catch her breath.

"King Gilgamesh there some news that you must hear!" Siduri said with urgency and this caused both me and dad to stand up from the bed to face Siduri.

"Tell me" he had a serious look on his face.

"Your officer Belteshazzar... has been killed last night..."

"What? He's dead how..." I muttered as a guy like Belteshazzar who was quite strong was killed and last night too but I turned my face to Gilgamesh who made no reaction nor face.

"...that is—" he began to speak

"...inconvenient" Gilgamesh words seemed to have dumbfounded me and Siduri who just stared at me.

"What?" I asked just to make sure I was hearing correctly.

"What are you saying your majesty?" Even Siduri was asking for clarifications!

"You both heard me, his death is inconvenient yet not unwelcome in fact I hardly see this matter as urgent" he spoke with such a truthful tone that I wasn't even doubting that Gilgamesh really felt that way.

For a moment both me and Siduri were dumbfounded and shocked by Gilgamesh words that it took us a minute to process his words but we managed to shake it off.

"Father! He is still your officer and even if you don't like it this is a big deal!" I argued a bit as I pushed him towards the door for him to go deal with it but Gilgamesh easily managed to resist my efforts which didn't take much since he was much stronger than me.

"Yes, princess Athanasia is correct this is a great matter that you need to deal with your majesty and the officials and elders have already gathered in the throne room therefore we mustn't waste any time." Siduri also added on to my argument which reminded me the reason why I liked her so much.

"Alright I heard you both!" Gilgamesh yelled in his own defense as he started to walk out the door but he stopped for a moment and looked back at me.

"Athanasia do not leave my room and I will make this quick as I can" that was all he said before turning back and walking away with Siduri in tow.

"...come back soon..." I muttered knowing he didn't hear me and that he was already gone which left me alone again in his room.

And for a moment I was unsure of what to do only when suddenly a wave of drowsiness hit me like a truck.

'Why am I so tired all of a sudden... it's not like I went to bed late or woke up very early in the morning...' it was hard to stand properly and maybe I should've gone and rested on dad bed but the cushion on the window opening looked very comfortable for some reason and I chose to sat down there.

From the warmth of the sun hitting me, the comfort of the cushion and even to my own sleepiness, it didn't take long for me to fall into sleep.

'...maybe a... quick nap... dad can wake me up when he gets back...' and so I closed my eyes and fell into sleep.

Except it was a sleep that I wouldn't be dreaming in nor is it one that I will wake up from...


In the throne room it was loud and noisy, enough to give Gilgamesh a migraine if he hadn't blocked out the voices of the officials and elders all going on about Belteshazzar death and what might be the cause.

Not that Gilgamesh cared about that man if anything he was happy he was dead but it was ridiculous that Belteshazzar left such a headache even after he's gone for Gilgamesh to deal with.

But soon a young women with brown hair and light blue eyes who had a striking appearance came into the room and from what Gilgamesh could tell that was a maid but what was she doing in here?

None of the people notice the girl entrance into the room as they were bickering amongst themselves to realize anything else.

But the maid immediately went to Siduri who stood a little ways away and whispered into her ear and Gilgamesh watched as Siduri faced turned pale and it looked like Siduri was about to pass out.

Gilgamesh didn't know what news Siduri has received but a sense of dread filled his stomach though it didn't show but immediately he stood up which promptly got all of the officials attention.

"We will discuss this matter another day! For now you all are dismissed!" Gilgamesh spoke loudly with authority on his voice and the officials had mix looks on their face as some looked curious at the order some looked upset and others face remained impassive but nonetheless they all bowed and left the room.

Gilgamesh walked down from his throne steps and down to where the maid and Siduri were as he stared them down with a stern look on his face expecting an explanation.

The maid bowed down with a sorrowful look on her face and Siduri looked ready to pass out or hurl any moment as she spoke.

"King Gilgamesh..." Siduri managed get out but the suspense was killing Gilgamesh.

"Out with your words already!" He barked out growing impatient.

"Princess Athanasia... was found dead in your room..." Siduri said as tears finally spilled over but Gilgamesh couldn't register Siduri words as it felt as if someone had just took a knife and stabbed him in the heart as the imagine of Athanasia entered his mind.


His daughter was dead...?

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