Chapter 11: Act 2: (Descent Into The Underworld)

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"Who are you..?"


I stared at the blonde women in front of me and although it was very dark and I could barely see much, this women however stood out very well.

Maybe it was her red eyes or blonde hair but she gave me a very familiar feeling that Ishtar gave me though I don't know why.

"Umm... are you feeling okay?" The women repeated not answering my question but it did snap me out of my self-deprecation.

"O-Oh yes I'm alright!" I answered quickly trying to seem presentable despite the fact I nearly had a mental breakdown just a few moments ago.

"That's good" the blonde haired woman smiled with relief and that was when I noticed that she was still holding my arms.

"Umm excuse me but your still holding me" I said a bit shyly not wanting hurt her feelings or anything when she seemed so concerned.

"Oh right! I'm sorry" the woman quickly removed her hands from my arms and stood up on her feet which I followed and stood up as well which is how I got a better look at her attire.

She was dressed in a rather similar fashion to Ishtar except this women wore more black and gold colors except her outfit wasn't as revealing as Ishtar but this women had dark red cape with black and gold fur lining on the bottom ends of the cape and was held onto her body with a thick black strap.

"I don't meant to be rude but who are you?" I asked my question once again quite curious about who would be down here.

"Oh right... I'm Ereshkigal" the girl now known as Ereshkigal said rather shyly as if unsure about introducing herself.

"Ereshkigal? That's a interesting name, my name is Athanasia and it's nice to meet you." I gave her a smile since Ereshkigal looked really nervous.

"It's... nice to meet you too Athy" Ereshkigal said but when she said my name immediately my eyes went wide open



Suddenly Ereshkigal face went beat red that even I could see well in this dim lighting and immediately she covered her face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too but your name got caught in my mouth and—!" As Ereshkigal was trying to explain herself I grabbed her hands in an attempt to calm her down and it worked.

"It's alright, my name is kind of long isn't it? You can call me Athy" I said with a smile as I gently moved her hands away from her face.

"Okay" Ereshkigal nodded as I moved my hands away from here.

"Anyways Ereshkigal, where are we?" I suddenly remembered my situation and that fact I was clearly not in Uruk anymore but Ereshkigal just looked at me rather puzzled.

"Do you mean that you don't know where you are?" At her words I shook my head indicating that I didn't know.

"Your in the underworld" when Ereshkigal said that it felt as if time had time and the coldness of my surroundings had sunken back into my skin as I felt a shiver travel up my spine.

"The underworld" I repeated just to make sure that I heard correctly

"Yes, your in the underworld" Ereshkigal confirmed as she stared at me with worried eyes.

"Does that mean I died?" I dreaded asking that question and I looked at Ereshkigal hoping she would deny it but she merely nodded and with that my body had gone completely cold.

Despite the fact I was well acquainted with death since I had gone through it twice already since my first was how I died in my sleep back in Korea and my second was how I died because of Claude and now this would make my third death.

But it seems like I would never get used to it however this death was so strange... why didn't I just wake up in a new body but rather I ended up in the underworld.

' did I die? I just fell asleep and it's not like I was sick or anything... did someone kill me in my sleep?' I silently thought to myself.

"When you died you came here but unlike those souls your able to speak" suddenly Ereshkigal words snapped me out of my thoughts as she pointed off to a nearby blue flame that was trapped in a cage.

"Those are souls?" It was clear now that those other blue flames I saw weren't just for decorations or source of light, they were actually souls that were trapped down here but it was only now that something had stroked me as odd...

If this is the underworld and I'm dead then...

"Who are you really Ereshkigal" I asked this time seriously since something told me that this women isn't a normal person.

There was a hint of hurt in her eyes but it soon disappeared as if she was convincing herself and soon she took a deep breath as if to steel herself before saying the words.

"I am the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal"

I was kind of surprised but also not since at this point she is the third goddess I've met with my grandmother being the first and Ishtar being the second but if Ereshkigal is the goddess of the underworld doesn't that mean...

'She's Ishtar sister' I thought as I stared at Ereshkigal but now that would make sense as to why they looked alike but I feel like that would be insulting so I won't mention it.

"I see" that was all I said and this time it was Ereshkigal who looked shocked.

"I-Is that all your gonna say?! Not like a 'I hate you!' Or that your gonna scream?!" She asked rather random reactions that I might've made if I hadn't been so used to all this.

"No...? Why would I?"

"Because I'm the one who brought you down here prematurely since you weren't really supposed to die!" Right when Ereshkigal said that did my eyes fly open.




Lucas was standing in what looked like the middle of nowhere but he clearly knew that he was right on the mark or at least close to where Athanasia is.

"'Stay behind at with Enkidu' he said my ass, I do as I please" Lucas said with a devious smile and he was standing in his teenage form to match Athanasia age and with his long black hair completely down.

Lucas stared at his surroundings completely ignoring the hot, sweltering heat of the Mesopotamian sun which wouldn't do for his pale skin but he didn't care as he has a task to complete.

Find the idiot princess and bring her back out of the underworld.

And potentially fight a goddess or run into her seducer father who is somehow almost always sharing a bed with a different woman.

"Princess why do you always cause some sort of trouble and leave me to come and get you" Lucas muttered out in frustration as he ran his hand through his black hair suddenly being aware of the fact he was beginning to sweat a little.

"Well this is annoying... oh well" Lucas couldn't help but think of Athanasia reaction once she sees him.

Guess he better hurry up before Gilgamesh finds her.

Sooo I haven't really been on Wattpad but then again I have no excuse, I was just being lazy however just know that this story is gonna pick up since I want to get into Fate/Zero, Fate Stay Night and maybe fate babylonia. So just know that the end is coming for a certain, if you know then you know.

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