Chapter 3: Act 2: (A Meeting With Grandmother?!)

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"Well... I should just go ahead and say... she is your grandmother




I was still in shock when Enkidu had taken me to get cleaned up for the meeting so I didn't really process what was happening at the moment except that I had a grandmother.

And now I was being dragged to meet her...

'I am not ready for this...' we were nearing the audience hall and I was getting more and more nervous with every step I took and before I knew it me and Enkidu were right in front of the large golden Doors.

"Now you don't need worry about a thing Athanasia since me and Gilgamesh will be here with you so all you need to do is have fun." Even Enkidu soft smile couldn't help me relax

'Easy for you to say, you don't even have a grandmother' I decided to keep that fact to myself rather than insulting my poor caretaker

And than Enkidu pushed open the door to the audience hall. It's light blinded me but when I opened my eyes... well the hall was very extravagant to show off the king's power and wealth which he clearly had both of.

"Oh...? Your finally here" the arrogant voice rang throughout the hall and when I turned my head to face Gilgamesh... he was sitting on his thrown with one leg over the other and his head rest on his hand which was propped up by the golden armrest.

"Do not speak to your own child like that..." a elegant, calm and beautiful voice scolded him and I suddenly became aware that there was someone else in the room.

When I turned my head to face her...

Well there was no doubt who she was and she was my grandmother as well as Gilgamesh mother.

"Yes mother..." Gilgamesh replied back lazily as he motioned for me to come closer and which I did but my eyes almost never left the woman.

She dressed in a beautiful yet simple white dress with golden jewelry that decorated her nicely while the gold color complimented her blonde hair and red eyes nicely and she looked exactly liked Gilgamesh except more delicate.

Very soon I made it to the throne and Gilgamesh reached out to take hold of me but before he can do so...

"Awww! Isn't she just adorable!" my grandmother had got to me before her son could.

"... Mother, what are you doing...?" Gilgamesh got very annoyed as the woman hugged and gushed over my looks

"Why I am getting to meet my grandchild for first time" she simply smiled

"Do you know who I am little one?" The woman cocked her head to side and she had sparkles in her eyes

"Are you grandma?" For some reason I couldn't fake not knowing especially with that look on her face.

"Aww you are right! My name is Ninsun and I am your father's mother." She held me so carefully that you would think she was holding glass because of how gently she held onto me.

"Aww grandma is so pretty!" I held out my hands for her and Ninsun eyes sparkled even more as she smiled so wide that it almost looked like the Cheshire Cat smiling in human form.

"My name is Athanasia! But you can call me Athy!"

'If nothing else, I'll have my grandmother on my side.'

"Aww what an adorable name" she said as she kissed my cheek

"Are you done cooing at her. Mother?" Gilgamesh was getting weary of this sight and this was reason why he didn't tell his mother about Athanasia.

"What? I cannot enjoy being with my granddaughter that you have have yet to tell me about." It was clear she was pissed at her own son keeping her grandchild a secret.

"How did you find out about her anyways? I know gods are not fond of being in the mortal realm so how did you-?" But Gilgamesh got cut off by Ninsun

"I felt my dear's magic growing amuck which is rather odd since it is being tamed and growing out of control." Ninsun had just dropped a bombshell on us and all she did was give a half-lidded smile

"Her magic? Is growing out of control..." Enkidu said with a grave voice and I have never seen him like this.

"Mother why on earth have you not come sooner and bring this issue to our attention?" Gilgamesh almost growled at her

"Well I had to gather sufficient mana to actually come here and maintain my form and you know how time is in the celestial realm so before I knew it a few years have passed." She stood up with me in her arms as she walked over to Gilgamesh

"So that's why you've been oddly silent over these passed few years..." Gilgamesh mumbled something but I couldn't quite catch it.

"Anyways Mom I'll handle it-"

"Ah yes just like how you handled all your other children" she had venom in her voice clearly displeased

"Why does that matter?" Gilgamesh cocked his head to the side and lifted an eyebrow in confusion

"My dear, what I am trying to say is- your a hopeless fool when it comes to raising children" both me, Enkidu and Gilgamesh all flinched at her words it was harsh and it hurts more so for Gilgamesh

"Mother I can handle Athanasia just fine so you can go back to your home and not have worry anymore-" Gilgamesh soon got cut off... again...

"No you need help and thank the other gods that Enkidu is here to help otherwise I fear she might've died a long time ago" Ninsun sighed heavily as she went to Scold her son who couldn't even get more than a few words in

'This is... really funny actually... the epic Gilgamesh who always gets what he wants can't even win a argument against his mother" I was trying hard not laugh, I really was and luckily Enkidu came to save the day

"What do you propose we do about Athanasia magic, if it is as bad as you say it is than we should get it under control, my lady." Suddenly the atmosphere had turned tense as everything fell silent even nature sound.

"... well luckily there are solutions to these types of problems but I think the quickest and easiest method for Athanasia is to put some of her magic into a divine object." Ninsun cradled me ever so gently that went along with her smile to comfort me

'Divine object?'

"But what object would be suitable?" The green haired male continued to ask

"Well I think it is only fair if it was Athanasia would picked out the object." Than all eyes went towards me


Authors question

-I  have been inspired a little by the Raiden shogun Musou no Hitotachi and her sword Musou Isshin

-So I have been wondering should I make the divine object something similar to the shogun sword?

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