Chapter: 2 Act 2: (A Black Haired Mage)

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'Huh? What's this, I feel asleep?' I opened my eyes looking around, I wasn't in my room but rather a heavily decorated room with lots of cushions, gold, curtains, rugs and silk, you can tell that the room was very expensive. More expensive than my room could ever be.

"Your awake I see..." a deep voice ranged throughout the room and I turned to face the source

"You must've had a good nap seeing how you wouldn't wake up no mattered how I tried to." It was Gilgamesh and he looked like he had a bath no too long ago seeing how his hair was still wet a little and he was wearing new clothes.

"Is this your room daddy?" I said as I looked around the room

"Would any other Mongrel's room be this heavily decorated with treasures?" He replied back with his casual manner as he made his way to me with a golden cup in his hands that had wine.

But it was only than that I realized I was on a bed that was incredible soft and comfortable it felt as if I was being held up by angels but I didn't have time to think about that because Gilgamesh had sat down on the with me.

"Your bed is really soft! Daddy!" I rolled on the bed a bit before remembering who I was in front of.

"Of it is, after all it was made for a king and that means me, consider yourself lucky child because your only here because of me and not just any mongrel gets to sleep on my bed." Gilgamesh had said with his usual cocky tone as he took a sip of his wine.

'Yea but why did you even bring me here? Instead of my own room?' I sort of deadpanned as I questioned his motive of bringing me here. However what caught my attention was that the room was dark and when I turned my head to look at the windows... it was nighttime...

"You slept quite a while that I was starting to think that you died" there was a hint of concern in his voice, one that would've gone unnoticed by everyone... except for me...

"Was daddy worried about me?" He seemed taken back by my question but quickly manage to recover.

"How foolish, if you died than that means you weren't good enough to survive"

"Than... I want to be good enough to live!"

"I want to survive and live by you daddy!"

Gilgamesh seemed astounded by my declaration as if I just grew a second head but than... just one moment he smiled so softly that it looked like a completely different person.

"Yes... try hard enough so that you can continue to be with me..." his voice was so soft and warm that I thought I might cry for second but than my vision got blurry as I felt drowsiness kicking in...

'What... happening...?'

"Just sleep for now Athanasia no need to fight it" Gilgamesh placed his large hand over my face, more specifically my eyes sort of forcing my eyes to close.

'I wonder... why is he so nice all of sudden...' and soon I fell asleep...




The room was dark and the only light was the moon on the night sky.

"Your warming up her Gil" a familiar voice resonated throughout the room but the blonde haired man didn't seem to be affected by the new presence in the room

"Do not be ridiculous, the child will die sometime later and she wishes to continue to live with me? How absurd."

"Yes but you told her to continue to live so she can be by your side Gilgamesh even though normally you've told her the truth." The kind voice of Enkidu stated what he had heard

"Let her live her fantasies for now but when she gets older, Athanasia will realize the truth and that is this world is harsh and unforgiving to those who are unable to accept it." And with that Gilgamesh had finished his wine and sat the cup down on the table beside the bed.

"You are very cruel Gil to let that happen to your child..."

"I have to be... for her to grow up and not get hurt" the blonde man had placed his hand on the small child's head in almost a comforting manner.




The night of Mesopotamia was unusually cold for the season but regardless a black haired hair male who looked no older than 15 stood in the on the plain and undisturbed by the cold.

"So... this is the world that the princess slipped off to..." he was talking to no one in particular as there was on one around for miles but than again it has always been like that for Lucas... always alone even by those who gave birth to him.

"Dear... he so scary he could kill us and his brother anytime... why... does he have to have such powerful magic..."

' I didn't ask to be born with such magic...'

"The young master... he's terrifying I wish I could've served anyone else but not him."

'It wasn't me who told you all to serve me'...

"Lucas! Put your younger brother done this instant! He is just a baby!"

'I just wanted to hold my younger brother...'


'Humans... they will always be afraid of those who are stronger than them and they will always outcast and shame those who are different... which is why I said good riddance to them and turned my back on them when I finally had enough...'

"Lucas there you are!"


"Geez I can't believe those servants...! just because your stronger and different looking doesn't make you a freak!"

'Why would you think that?'

"Don't listen to them Lucas! Their all just jealous of you! Because you are so much better than them!"

'Ahh that's right... she wasn't afraid of me and nor did she ever runaway in fear of me'

"Princess... what do you think of me?"

"What do I think of you? Well that's easy your my best friend..."

"How ridiculous..." he Chuckled a bit

"To think that I am focusing on the past when it on longer has anything to do with me..." though he said that there was a hint of sorrow in his voice and heart.

"What matters now is to find the princess and that is all to it..." his eyes glowed a immortal red as a wicked smile creeped on his face.

"Yea that sounds much better..."

That night the wind blew much harder and the night only got colder

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