Chapter 6: Act 3: (The Prince)

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"I said you all are repulsive..."


"I beg your pardon but could you try repeating what you had said?" The king asked this time his friendly demeanor had vanished

"Have you gone deaf? Or perhaps you're brain dead because you are a repulsive vermin who thinks they can just come in here and insult me." Yea I wasn't holding back but they do deserve it.

"Princess Athanasia you cannot be this rude towards a king!!" One of his retainers yelled out at me

"No you cannot be rude towards me because it seems as you have forgotten where you are right now and that is Uruk not Nippur where you can act as freely as you wish." I said sternly not backing down

"We are still from another kingdom and King Abu-Waqar demands respect!!" Though the king himself said nothing all his retainers seemed ready to attack me while poor Opis looked shocked and didn't know what to do.

"Father... please have them back do—" he was cut of

"His majesty, king Gilgamesh will hear of this!!" A particular retainer yelled and that gave me an idea

"Go ahead and tell him everything that was said and knowing how my father is I wonder whose side he'll take, his daughter or a king who has been getting on his last nerve??" I smiled at my own comment

'this is genius!! Thank the gods for Gilgamesh being on my side almost always!' Yes I was mentally applauding myself for this comeback.

"..." at my comment they all went silent probably knowing how things will turn out if Gilgamesh found out and that will probably be with them losing their heads.

"You insolent girl, do you think you are better simply because your Gilgamesh daughter? Do not forget that your birth was accidental and your nothing more than a lowly half-blooded child..." this time it was the king who spoke, it seems that the kind hearted old man act was just a façade and now he is showing how he truly is.

Yet... why do I feel upset...? Wasn't I ready for this kind of treatment...? Wasn't this what Lady MyIitta had warned me about??? So why... why dad...?

"Insolent girl...? Half-blooded child...? The only insolent person is you because how dare you talk to her like that, you mongrel." Suddenly the atmosphere got cold and everyone froze still at the voice and for a moment I couldn't even breath.

"K-King G-Gilgamesh..." king Abu-Waqar manage get out which is surprising since he's is pale as ghost and he looks like he is about to pass out any second.

"What's wrong you look awfully pale and here I thought you were in your prime or healthy perhaps your health is beginning to fail you, old man..." Gilgamesh said with such venom in his tone not to mention he was calm which is rather dangerous coming from Gilgamesh.

I was suddenly picked up by Gilgamesh and behind him I saw Enkidu whose face was entirely blank but then a familiar ringing sound vibrated through the air as a golden glow mixed with the glow of the sunset.

"It looks like you don't know where you belong if you think you can run your mouth towards her when I'm not around." His eyes glowed a dangerous red and I was positive that Gilgamesh was going to kill them.

"Dad don't do it... if you kill him here then you'll have to deal with a war..." I quietly whispered in his ear and for a moment I thought he didn't hear me but his eyes looked at me then snapped towards Opis who looked horrified and clinging onto his father clothes before closing his eyes for a second.

"You will not die here as it is inconvenient to deal your death but—" he placed his large hand on my face covering my eyes right before a large squelching sound and crash was heard.

'Did he...?' I was curious as to whether he killed them but he did say he wouldn't kill them here so...

"Let the death of your retainers be a lesson King Abu-Waqar... if you ever do what you have done today then next time I won't be so generous and remember the only reason you and your son are still alive is because of Athanasia so be grateful you dog." With his hand still covering my face, I felt Gilgamesh walking off though I didn't know the direction.

"Enkidu deal with this mess..."

"Alright Gilgamesh..." with that request or rather order it had felt the world has gone silent and Gilgamesh had removed his hand once we were far away.

"Athanasia do not listen to the mongrel do you understand me?" He told me with such anger it was almost like he was trying to compensate for something that had happened in this deal.

"Dad... was he right though...? Am really just a half-blooded child? I always knew about mom but—" I wasn't allowed to finish my sentence because dad cut me off.

"Do not speak, that mongrel is a human for what would he know anything about the divine or anything about us." He pulled me away for a bit of distance making sure my eyes were locked onto his.

"I thought you hated the gods or anything like that..."

"I don't hate them... I just find it a nuisance that is all..." Gilgamesh grumbled a bit which was like him but I had to ask him something.

"Did I make the right choice by saying what I did to them...?" I lowered my head with my bangs cover my now red eyes a little

"Yes because you are my daughter and don't forget it... because they will come a day where I won't be here with you and then you'll have to figure everything out yourself..." he said so sadly and I didn't like it...

"But I want you to stay..."

"Everything will have to go eventually which is why I want you to not forget this incident today because there will be more like it and I do not want to lie to you because lying will do you no benefit..." dad said the truth and always the truth which I liked even if at times it is uncalled for.

"Thanks dad" I said as I snuggled myself into his arms as my head rested on his shoulder.

"You know I do not like it when you call me that, I prefer father instead."

"Deal with it dad."

WARNING this is
Heavily unedited also because I was too busy with AP exams to actually update but here it is!

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