chapter 35: Holy-Demonic clash: Operation Queller

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3rd POV:

"It seems that my master's battle is going as expected..." Diablo mumbled, holding his chin as he circled the command camp of Youm's forces where the others looked at him in awe.

"Sir Youm..." One of the soldiers of Youm's army asked Youm as he whispered. "Who is this mysterious man?"

"Just take him as an ally from somewhere else to help us win this, sort of..." Youm replied as he looked at the map on a table of the geographical landscapes of Falmuth and nearby regions of forests.

As the moment progresses, the battle between King Edward's faction and Youm's faction gets more heated and intense, as both side's troops engage each other in battle in different parts of Falmuth in hopes of gaining control of the nation.

This is the product of an originally successful peace treaty for Falmuth, the losers of this inhumane war started by their foolishness, yet it was their foolishness, especially the new king, Edward, that broke the deal, potentially starting another conflict.

The one thing that boosted his ego so much was the reinforcements of the Holy Church and its crusaders sent here as reinforcements. If it were normal that their enemy wasn't the Tempest Federation, his confidence would still be reasonable.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Right now, perhaps the king would still be overflowed with the joy and excitement to crush the coup forces of Youm and send his men into another battle with the evil monsters, crushing the demon lord with the crusaders...

And that is what Diablo had predicted him to be, for his strategy to end this mess is straightforward. He and Ranga, Gabiru, and Hakuro mainly will head for the main enemy camp with their abilities and destroy them at their doorsteps.

However, he had decided to observe the battlefield for a short while before his departure to ensure that there would be no unknown factors emerging from the shadows and disrupting the plan. And now he deemed that it was time to act.

'If as planned, the time we use to subdue the enemy heads would be enough for the forces of various battlefronts to keep on long enough to work this out.' The Primordial thought, organizing different battleplans and scenarios with the most likely outcome.

'The city is holding up well, with Mjurran in command of the forces and the usage of her abilities, it would be a positive for them to hold long enough, maybe even a push at the enemy forces in the royal districts.''

Conversely, Grucius has a pretty good streak with his soldiers within the more remote, rural areas. Being a beastmen gives you pretty good assets for a wild fight.'

Assessing the overall situation, he decided that although they didn't need any extra help or reinforcements at the moment, it couldn't be said the same after the arrival of Church reinforcements composed of knights and paladins.

'Better wrap things up as soon as it can, I must prove myself to Rimuru-sama again after the previous unexpected setback...!' Diablo thought, gritting his teeth in disdain as his mind formed the image of his colleague giving him a disrespectful smile as she laughed on his failure.

'That will never happen again.' He said to himself in his mind as he turned to Youm.

"The battlefield now is yours, Youm."

"I see, but why so? Did boss give you commands or...?"

"No." The demon said as he walked outside the tent, preparing to make his leave. "I and several others are just going to round things up quickly so that this mess could be mopped up soon."

Gulping, Youm nodded as he watched the back of Diablo disappear from his sight, going to gather the other Tempest operative to begin their mission before any other threats show themselves and change the tide of the conflict.

But he gulped because of how scary Diablo looked when he said things in an extremely calm tone in contrast to his expression, which gave a good scare out of everyone in the tent.

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