Chapter 30: A conspiracy's start

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(A/N: Browsing,and I found this above,which is terrifyingly accurate of a portion of mind inside the vampire queen's brain.)

3rd pov:

"Upon my investigations and various reports from the scouts,many local infrastructures were improved,and quite a lot of merchants entered the borders. The concentration of magicules is understandably higher than standards,however it is still safe for an average person."

Within the meeting chamber,the Saint of water,Litus reported to her boss regarding the intel gathered on the Tempest federation,a newly risen power that caused significant changes around the world.

"Tell me,Litus. What,or how do you feel about this?" Hinata asked.

"I think that demon lord Rimuru truly wished to establish good relations with the human society as a whole." The blonde ponytail saint replied.

"What about Veldora,was he seen anywhere?"

"No. And the entrance to the sealed cave is heavily forbidden,so the spies can't catch a glimpse in it."

As they were conversing,one of the holy emperor's imperial guards,"Blue Sky" Saare, decided to butt into their talk with a not-so-nice attitude.

"Well well,it's understandable of your impatience. We failed to prevent Veldora from waking up,but also the newly awakened demon lord,all because of someone letting the slime slip away."

His statements caused some in the room to be annoyed,such as Saint of light,Leonard Jester and Saint of sky,Arnaud Bauman.

"You are being rude,Lord Saare." Leonard reminded him of his impoliteness.

"Yeah,boy. If you have a problem with the captain? We can sort stuff out with you if you want." The other saint,Arnaud said as he glared at Saare,who displayed his cocky attitude.

The atmosphere of the meeting started to grow tight from the argument,as another imperial guard taunted the crusaders of the church.

"You damn pretentious little knights,acting all tough huh?" Said Grigori,the "Giant boulder".

"Oh,someone wants to die today?"

The crusaders and the imperial guards of the holy emperor do serve under the same banner of the luminous order,with their relationships not being the best and often having quarrels and arguments.

However,the same one who manages these two groups,the captain of the crusaders and the head knight of the imperial guards,is the strongest saint in the nation that does not take inner fights lightly.

"All of you,I understand that you might not get along with each other,it's fine.." The woman that sat at the end of the meeting table spoke calmly.

"But on the other side of the curtains is the holy emperor. I believe this is not the time for your little trivial fights over minor matters." Hinata Sakaguchi said,as everyone in the room silenced themselves.

"Saare,it's time for your report I suppose. How is the state of Farmus?"

Even though he had displayed his arrogance just then,Saare still gave his report,not going against her completely knowing that it's not a good idea,along with the respect he had for her strength.

Sometimes,how strong you are determines the amount of respect you earn from others.

"Yeah right,there are two sides now,one that supports the hero Youm,and others supporting Edward,the younger brother of the previous king Edmaris. Both gather their forces politically and militarily,and it is evident that a civil war will soon start."

"I thought the abdication of a new king went without a hitch.." Litus suggested from her knowledge,however swiftly corrected by Saare.

"Nope,that's the surface. But they have a heck load of demands from the Tempest federation,such as a large sum that could break their economy in half. While Youm had no problems with it..."

"What about Edward?" Hinata questioned.

"Well,he's either a fool or a delusional idiot,he refused to pay the war reparations." Saare laughed at Edward's foolishness,even if he does not stand with demon lord Rimuru,that doesn't mean he thinks that Farmus is smart either.

"Forget that anyway." He sighed as he turned to his other companion. "Hey Glenda,got anything interesting going on other than what I said? Don't forget that it's OUR job,not mine alone."

"As far as I know,none. But I can check again." The imperial guard, Glenda of the "Raging Sea." said.

"I see,then I will leave it to you,don't mess it up." Hinata thanked her,which she replied with a gleeful attitude on the face,however failing to completely mask her ill intentions under the skin.

Noticing this,Hinata couldn't help but complain inside her mind,one part being how easy Glenda thought to deceive her,but also the incompetence she displayed.

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