Chapter 26: A beneficial merchant

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Feels pretty good to upload again after personal life businesses,along with plannings regarding future storyline and further arc's development which will be focusing more on the elements of crossovers that features characters and things that you guys may know or not know about from other series and franchises. (Story planning)

Once again,this arc right now will still be focusing more on the Tensura universe,while future arcs will start to more elements of crossovers than what we currently already have in the current Arc 1 of the story.

Finally got a decently long holiday so I can spare some more time to be invested on writing and thinking.  I'm also planning to do some extremely minor edits on previous chapters to make the story experience better and way clearer to understand since some of you guys stated some real useful suggestions that I promise to put em in action!

So,I finally got time to finish this chapter and publish it. Thanks for all the support till now,and let's get back started.


3rd POV:

After introducing the new elite 501st legion and appointing Rain as the commander whenever Rimuru isn't commanding them himself,they had a brief discussion about the roles of the 501st when they are stationed at Tempest.

"Why not make it this way?" Veldanava suggests. "The 501st will act as security forces along with the normal Tempest security whenever they are not on mission,strengthening the level of protection that is being offered."

"Agreed." Rimuru said, crossing his arms. "They are the best our military currently has to offer,even if they are not I wouldn't just throw them on random missions elsewhere."

"By the way,Veldanava." Guy pointed at the god as he asked. "Didn't you say that more of Rimuru's military would receive the new advanced upgraded gears?"


"Again,I really recommend you guys to give them things to separate themselves from one another depending on different corps and commands,like how Rimuru's did with blue."

"Oh that. Actually,I had already thought of all of them." The god chuckled,before snapping his fingers to materialize a few of those helmets and armor sets,but different in design to be shown as examples.

"This one without any designations are the ones that focus on Tempest security,pure white shiny ones."

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"This one with red will be for the fourth corps under Benimaru,which will also be called Tempest Shock troopers.

"This one with red will be for the fourth corps under Benimaru,which will also be called Tempest Shock troopers

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