Origin Chapter 3: God's Diary: An encounter

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Veldanava's POV: (Within the diary)

10 years..time flies really quick,I would say.

It's been 10 damn years since the last time.

What last time?

Oh,I forgot to mention. It has been 10 years since I first met Satoru and fought him.

Who won,some may ask. Isn't that obvious? I did.

True,I don't really know how to fight properly,but I am still a master of magicules and in manipulating it. I'm going to be the biggest joke if I can't master the control over the substance that originated from me since my birth in the nothingness,as all the things I did before creating the multiverse are messing with the magicules around me.

He's good at fighting,really good. He can easily beat me with his skills,if we are not including anything else. But my body and skills endured and so even if I do not know martial arts,I still was able to respond to his strikes on time. The same goes to him too,his body and skills,abilities are much weaker than mine of course,but the experiences and senses he had honed during his travels made him able to keep up with me for an impressive while.

Even if I'm not serious,even if I'm in a much weaker body than my true form,I believe that is a feat that nobody would be able to achieve,anytime soon.

He tried his best too,as a human. I will give him that,especially for not showing any signs of defeat and refusing to give up for the slightest. Not even when I blasted him to the ground with my attacks,severely injuring him.

"I lost..eh? Nonetheless it was the hardest and the most fun battle I ever had and ever will have. So now,what will become of me,your plans Mr.Veldanava?" That's his only remark after his defeat,laying on the ground.

I didn't kill him,you know? I don't kill unless it's an absolute necessity. Plus,he gave me a very good first impression,why would I kill him?

"You know,you're very interesting for a human. Powerful too."

"Thanks for the compliment from god,I guess.."

We exchanged dialogues,chatted for a while after I healed him back to shape. And before him departing to another city..


"At this point,just call me Veldanava already. I don't really care."

"You don't? Wasn't expecting your bounds to be that wide. Mind if I call you by a nickname?"

"Go ahead." I acknowledged.

"Hmm...how about Velda? Short and clean one while keeping the essence of your name in it. Howd'ya say?"

"Velda..huh? I guess you can refer to me with that if you wish."

"Sweet! Alright then Veldanava,one quick request before I go real quick?"


Confusion arose in my mind.

"Next time if you have spare moments,come! I would love to fight you over and over!"

"You surely are a battle maniac. Very well,but remember that don't expect me to go too easy on you,right? Since you asked for it yourself."

"Hahaha! Of course!"

That's all we talked about before departing on our own ways. Though it would only be the first time we meet.

I know that he is the first individual I can start considering as a friend..

But did I know that he will soon be my best friend?


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