Origin chapter 1: God's Diary: A history

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Author's POV:

After yesterday's manifestation at the overworld,I have decided to again pay a visit to the land in order to search for something I wanted.

Why am I,the literal author is here? Well,I might be the author,but that doesn't mean I have eternal memory or anything,I can still forget things. And that leads us back to the reason I'm here again,as I tend to find Veldanava to ask him some questions.

I wandered around the streets,as crowded and alive as usual,just as I had written! Their little party yesterday didn't cause more ruckus than you might expect,as that's only the executives and Feldway's party. No civilians are involved. But the same can't be said for the ones who participated. Haha,I'd expect them to be either sleeping at their respective homes,or laid dead at the bar.

I was invisible,and actually,I didn't even take on a form while venturing here to this world. I passed through the hordes of people and monsters one by one,to finally reach somewhere more distant than the main city parts,but still within Tempest's main city,it is called Rimuru,right? I recalled.

I stared at the front door of the home to the slime and dragons. I knew my destination was right in front of me,and I could simply pass through the door,out of manners,I still decided to knock.

I knocked,said "Excuse me." And passed through the door. Now,I only need to find the room of that dragon..up stairs?

While I was venturing,I realized that the house is really quiet. It's expected however,as Rimuru,Velzard and Veldora are supposed to still be at the bar,sleeping and dead on the floor. However,I know that Veldanava came back and slept in the room for the night,so let's see...

Ah here! Found em.

I passed through the door and inside the room,it was tidier than usual. As I walked further in,Veldanava was seen sitting on a chair at the balcony,staring at the green forests outside,while having a cup of tea in his hands.

"Hey,Veldanava." I said,trying to see if I could spook him badly,though he didn't. Not at all.

"Didn't expect you to be here,out of anyone or everyone. But do show up with a form,would you?" He said calmly,taking a sip of the tea while slowly turning to face me,supposedly because I'm still formless and invisible. But I doubt that he can't sense me.

"You are not that surprised,did you know I'm here?" I asked out of 50/50 curiosity while taking a form of light to manifest and be visible.

"The moment you entered my room,yes. But I still didn't expect you to be here that soon."

"Your guesses are to be honed more precisely,you know? Anyway,I came here for something,can you do me a favor?"

"Hm? That piqued my interest. What favor? I am the creator of everything. Every reality,every universe,every single world. I am the embodiment of the term 'Almighty' if I am in my true form where I didn't surpass my true horrifying abilities due to the worry of accidentally destroying entire realities."

I didn't say anything,instead,I waited for him to finish.

"You,on the other hand." He pointed at me,and said. "Are the author. You have the same authority as I do,as I command. We are at least on the same calibur of existence. And there are still things you need help with? What is it?"

"Okay first off,you're right. But sadly I decided not to have a good memory and forgot a lot of things. Which..you didn't! Second,regarding my request,can you tell me the past stories with Rimuru or Satoru you called during his first life here. The first reincarnation? I wanted to write something about it but I need details from you."

"......" He fell silent,as he closed his eyes in thought as I waited patiently. However..

"Gah! As much as I wanted to help you,it's too much to be told! Oh wait,let me get something really quick.." He opened a little portal and searched inside with his hand,and pulled out a really thick book.

"This! You can call it something similar to a diary,although not a diary,but I still recorded some notable things inside of it. I even made a content page for it! I'm too lazy to tell you so sorry,but read it yourself would ya?" He waved apologetically,which I simply sighed silently as I absorbed the book into the light form I took on.

"Well,better than nothing. Guess I'm done here. I will be going back and writing the newest part of this story real quick.."

"Wait! Before leaving!" He shouted and I turned back to face him.

"Simply curious but..how many people know of your existence now?" He said.

"Not much. My friends include you,Rimuru and Velzard unless she forgot because I only met her 5 times. Actually,you guys are the only ones till now.:"

"Hmm..I see. Well,take your leave now if you wish,I'm not intending to waste your time further." He said while standing up and walked to open the room door for me.

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