Chapter 31: The end of peace

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Rimuru's POV:

A day has passed,although the fact that my workload is at its highest doesn't change.

That was what I initially thought,before remembering my scheduled meeting with Gazel and Erald,as I had contacted them earlier to show them our still secret military upgrades and reformations.

I tend to reveal it to them before deploying them in use,because they are my close allies,especially Gazel. And I wanted to let them know due to a mutual trust in alliances.

The reformation is going well,almost 85% of our military has been refitted and upgraded,those who haven't are expected to be finished within the matter of days. Once finished,tempest could truly have the strength to protect themselves without us.

Only a nation is truly powerful,even on its own.

As I was having my little inner monologue in a park,footsteps were heard as the door opened with Souei coming in urgently.


"Why in a rush,Souei? Perhaps something happened?" I said as I stood from my seat.

"Yes,Souka has reported that Hinata Sakaguchi has exited the holy city and soon afterwards,4 other individuals rode their horses and followed behind." Souei reported the information,surprising me.

"Are they heavily armed? Any idea on their identities?"

"Not yet. But they are lightly armed and wore a seemingly higher class of armor than the average crusaders."

"Hmm,then I see that they must be high ranking,perhaps the famous Ten great saints,big jokes. Just a bunch of enlightened and a few Saints,none of them are any close to even the lowest tier of Divine humans." I said as I laughed in mockery,confusing Souei.

"My lord?"

"Oh,it's nothing." I assured him. "Just thinking of something old. Recall Souka back to Tempest and leave a few spies behind to monitor. Anything else?"

Not questioning my thoughts,Souei nodded as he continued to report.

"King Gazel of Dwargon and Archduke Erald from Sarion have arrived at the borders of Tempest."

They are faster than I thought,huh? No matter,nothing would change.

"Have them escorted to the Capital immediately,don't keep our friends waiting." I ordered,with Souei nodding and leaving for his duties.

But as I finished a talk here,another one started as Velda contacted me in our minds through our shared link.

'What are you up to,Velda?' I said to him internally with a tone of laziness. He's been keeping on calling me a lot these few days as he worked on the construction of the Star destroyers inside the deepest levels of the labyrinth with Ramiris and Velgrynd assisting,and those calls are mostly easily preventable and unneeded.

'Look,I know my calls might be annoying,but you have to come and see our progress! After days and weeks of study,we have finally caught and mastered how these things truly work,and with proper teaching and equipment,in the future even recruits could mass produce them if needed!'

He shouted excitedly as he explained their discoveries,which I found fascinating,although not really needed now.

'Good to hear something meaningful.' I said,a bit happier now. 'But how's the progress of the destroyers? I heard that you are close to finishing.'

'Yeah,we have one finished already and we are working on the second one like the arrangements. We can start loading the personnel into the finished one for it to be operational.'

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