Chapter 5: Molten Ice

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Velzard's POV:

Finally, I arrived by teleporting to my brother's presence in Tempest,but I hid my aura well so no one noticed I'm here.

This is Tempest huh?The styles of the buildings and streets look fancy,and there are so many monsters living together peacefully,even with some humans..

Where is big brother though? I guess I will be teleporting again huh?

Mumbling to myself,I pinpointed his location and teleported myself near there in a hidden alleyway.

"I teleported near to his aura signature. Where is he-oh!" I said and paused as I saw him lining up in front of a little counter.

What is he doing,buying food from some kind of local store?

From a distance,I could only hear something blurry.

"One bowl of ramen please!" Veldanava asked as he put the money on the table.

"That would be 50 dollars,thank you! Here goes your meal!"


I watched as he took the food tray before walking to a nearby empty seat,sitting down while pulling out the provided chopsticks.

Decided to investigate,I shouted at him to grab his attention.


"What the-"Cough" *Cough*..You had me choked while I was trying enjoy the meal! Why are you here?"

"Well,I had recently detected-"

"Wait,before all that starts,let me at least get something first."

He turned around again at the store,walking towards the counter again as he got himself a spoon from the owner,thanking him before walking back.

"Ok,now what did you want to express back then? Also, you want a bottle of water? Plus,it's rather new to see you using your true adult form,compared to your shorter,younger teen form." He happily asked as he started to enjoy his ramen in front of him.

"No I'm not thirsty,and I am here because I sensed your fight with the demon lord I presume? I was pretty curious about someone that could stand his ground against someone like you,such a person hadn't appeared for years! And how did you get all these dishes? Don't tell me that this demon lord is another reincarnated being. I am sick of them honestly. Whenever one appears they always bring nothing but trouble." I explained,waiting for his part.

"Well,first of all, the demon lord and I were good friends for quite some time,and you will see him later. That's why he gave me lots of his money to have fun. You would have to wait a while though,he was quite exhausted with the fight and is now sleeping in his personal quarters." 

He said normally,but I did notice a little raise of his lips when he mentioned the demon lord,before quickly hiding it back.

"Why don't you bring me to have a look around? The town overall looks different from overall cities I had seen,pretty interesting indeed. And it could be an efficient way to spend my time away while we are waiting."

"Yeah sure,why not? Maybe you may get to see a few of the executives around." Veldanava said,after finishing his food in an extremely fast rate and stood up from his seat.


"Rimuru's trusted officers,most trusted. I've heard that some of them are probably having a break from their work today."

Just as he mentioned them as we walked along the streets,we arrived in front of an accessory shop with some customers inside.

"That was quite crowded." I said,raising my eyebrows.

"Wait,it's not only crowded,I think I saw a few familiar faces inside there,I'm going in."

"Fine whatever." I said,watching my big brother leading me into the mini-crowd.

When they stepped in the store,he was recognized immediately and were greeted by 2 individuals inside. Sensing by their presence,one of them is a monster and another one is a demon with a suspiciously powerful aura,giving vibes like Misery gave me. 

Could she be another primordial?

"Veldanava-sama! It is unusual to see you here!"

"Oh,Rain and Souka .Good to see you two doing well,what are you doing here?"

"Taking a break from our duties. We just met each other while wandering on the streets and decided to check out this specific store for some nice clothes." The girl with short brown hair and wore an orange scarf called Souka said.

"I know Souka was to impress Souei with that probably. Am I right?" The demon called Rain pointed at her companion with a smirk.

Her face immediately turned into a tomato with bright red colors on it.

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