Chapter 29: The lost ones (II)

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                     "A shame that you will be dying here,but I have priorities."

                                                                  -Manas,Oda Nobunaga

3rd POV:

Oda Nobunaga sat on a grassy ground while looking at the blue skies as she lay on a tree,counting how many birds flew past her eyes in the past 15 minutes since he created this scenery in Satoru's imaginary spiritual world.

She counted another bird,before letting out her hands and created a cup of drink,taking a sip and putting it back down beside her.

"That's the 34th bird.." She yawned. "Things are getting a little bit boring here.."

After arriving in this universe,Satoru told her not to manifest herself outside in the real world due to security and complication reasons that he is too lazy to deal with.

To add more,she had not fought anything since then,and she loves fights. True,she isn't impulsive or a hasty one,but it doesn't change the fact that she just likes to do such.

However,as a manas,she wields control over the spiritual world of her master whenever he does not take control of it,and with this authority she could manipulate the world,so creating training virtual enemies isn't a problem.

But they just don't feel as thrilling and real as real enemies outside there.

To summarize,shits are getting boring. Heck,and it's only her,Satoru and Velzard have tons of stuff they can do,not her!

"Forget it." Oda grumbled as she turned the spiritual world back to its original dark,empty state,before snapping her fingers as she created a virtual projection enemy that took on her own appearance,although translucent and in a blue color.

"Alright,time to warm up a bit." She looked at her enemy,which looked similar to her very own appearance.

"Enemy detected,annihilate command." The virtual enemy said,as it immediately dashed while firing shots of energy at Nobunaga,which created a musket that fired and destroyed the attack.

"Oh you little punchbag wants a fight? You get one!" She shouted excitedly,firing her musket again before pulling out her katana that clashed with her enemy fiercely,starting another routine of her boredoms.


Talking about daily routines,one such for Satoru is to meditate whenever he has no current tasks on hand to finish.

To be fair,it wasn't really a habit before,but it became one after a random day where he was meditating,he heard a voice in his head. And it's not Oda Nobunaga.

It happened a few more times later,repeating the same sentence over and over again until one day it vanished,never heard again.

"If evils cannot be rooted and extinguished,one must rule and control all of it." It said.

Ever since then,he tried to find the source of it while he meditated,but it simply never appeared again,and he is 100% sure that he did not receive or create another manas from nowhere.

And it's the same results for today.

Opening his eyes,Satoru stood up and stretched his hands as he exited meditation,not having anything useful again today.

"Another day of not getting a trace of that voice,getting on my nerves real hard."

He said to himself as he walked out of his room to the dining table to see if Morgan had finished her food yet.

Arriving at the scene,he didn't see Morgan. Only a finished plate of food and explosions outside at the yard,giving him the answer in his mind.

"Great,she finished and is trying to practice magic herself. I hope she doesn't burn the trees again accidentally. A rather fast eater though compared to Artoria. She got to somehow change her gluttonous nature when she became king of this country..."

Satoru smirked as he packed the plates,while imagining the scene when Artoria ascends to kingship. To him,once a normal worker in the vast society in Japan before reincarnated,even if this universe's King Arthur is actually a woman,becoming her greatest teacher and mentor to her is still a great honor in his heart.

Sure,after he reincarnated and gained a new appearance and eventually having great accomplishments,power and even fought and became friends with the true god of all multiverses and realities perhaps would be an achievement none could gain,he still thinks of tutoring.

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