Origin chapter 2: God's Diary: A god and a mortal

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Veldanava's POV (Within the diary):

As I had said earlier,I stayed further at this universe I dubbed #0 to take part in its development myself,and things stayed relatively the same for the next hundreds of years.

Exactly at the second hundredth year after my interference,something unexpected happened.

The first ever otherworlder to ever exist in the land,has appeared.

I did not expect such development,truly. Otherworlders came from a different world and universe to another,and I did not design such a system at first. This case is a total anomaly. A man's soul being transported from somewhere far away which if it isn't surprising enough,it's a world with no magicules anymore. People are living without any superpowers or skills.

I knew of the otherworlder soul's arrival thanks to the newly created system in this universe I call 'Voice of the world'. It grabbed my interest immediately,though this time,I decided not to immediately check it out but instead let it grow.

Cheating a little bit,I used my own special ability 'Eyes of the stars',a ability which allows me to see anything I wished to see (A downgrade version of one of my many Omniscient abilities,because I decided to nerf it to not let it spoil everything and ruin all the fun of living.) to have a glimpse on the question 'Would I cross paths with this individual someday'. To which it gave me a very satisfying answer.


To not spoil the fun,I didn't even observe him. I merely acknowledged his existence and continued my work patiently,creating more and more lifeforms and other features of this world,such as angels.

Don't get me wrong,they are inferior extensions of the Seven angels of origin,the exact mirror opposites of the Seven primordial demons I created before.

The demons mature faster than the angels however,and gain consciousness and ego really quick,and the angels on the other hand,took way longer but eventually did too. I also created the Skill system not long after.

Skills are abilities that on rare occasions acquired by having personal growth and development physically and mentally. They are directly inscribed and linked forever until death into someone's soul by other skills or the 'Voice of the world',or by me directly.

They can be strengthened with practice and training,and with further growth of one's mind and body,evolved into greater heights and power as they have different levels too. Such as unique skill,ultimate skill. Funny enough is that within the ranks of ultimate skills,the ones that have the name of 'God' in the skill itself are the top out of the ultimates.

You get a skill by a few ways,such as:

1: By birth of evolution,which applies to monsters.

2: The acknowledgement from 'Voice of the world'' itself by achieving feats or successfully using it in some way even when you do not have it yet. To summarize,you need to be deemed worthy.

3:Stealing,either somebody else's body or skills that allow absorption and theft.

4:Duplicating and sharing. This is very rare,especially for duping. As such authority was possessed by no skill and only me. Or by chains of connection of certain skills,could achieve sharing the skill with someone else.

5:Combine and evolve,from Harvest festivals or skills that allow fusions.

Talking about Harvest festivals,I also created the concept of demon lords and heroes. For demon lords,you have the demon lord seeds for the monster that reached its requirement,such as a requirement of at least Existence Points of 200,000.

(PS: Existence Points are the amount of total energy stored in an individual's soul or body. The higher it is,the more magicules the individual owns,but that does not equal the strength of the individual.)

If the bearer of the seed reached all of the requirements,the Harvest Festival will begin and evolve the bearer to become a True Demon Lord (TDL),as demon lord could be referred to as a social title of rank,and is different from a True Demon Lord as a race.

One of the requirements is the amount of souls consisting of around 10,000,doesn't need to be human,and it only needs to be at least self-recognizable/with an ego.

The Harvest festival could not be stopped if it was started,not even the one triggering it. The individual would be put into a deep state of unconsciousness of 3 days,similar to asleep. Though be wary,as in this state,none of your defense and skills will work,and you are very vulnerable to any enemies.

Upon confirmation of the user's wish to evolve,the ritual will reshape the user's body into a superior one into stronger forms and gaining unique properties of the body,such as in some cases,extra hardened or other extra capabilities which are always beneficial. They would be shaped,if not already,into a superior class of lifeform called the Spiritual life form.

Upon finishing,the person's power would be increased drastically,in some cases if possible,the individual might be granted some level of Divinity,though nowhere near MY class of divinity. Their equipment also has the chance to evolve too,into powerful weapons of the God-grade class.

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