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At the end of the festivities, the wind suddenly rose, blowing through the canopy of the moon tree, and the branches and leaves fluttered, and countless light golden fluorescents rose from the branches, like fireflies in the sky, and they drifted along the wind to all corners of the town, and the curious old orcs reached out to grab them, and the fluorescent light silently sank into their palms.

In the midst of the falling golden rain, the magicians unleashed brilliant fireworks into the night sky, and a small fireball ignited the birdcage lantern hanging above, causing a small fire. The fire was quickly extinguished before it could spread, and a drunken guy chose the wrong extinguishing spell, creating a froth and a large spark splash.

But at this time, it seemed that everything was a program prepared for the celebration, which caused many people to cheer.

Susie was given the settlement list.

[Autumn Celebration: Harvest

Celebration rating: ★★ ☆

Celebration Popularity: 53

Celebration income: 31167x210% = 65450 points

Celebration Evaluation: An ordinary event in an ordinary town, decent, lackluster, if you want to use this as a selling point, you need more creativity. 】

At the same time, she also knew what the flying fireflies were.

【Bonus for this celebration:

Autumn Bonus C: Minor increase in the luck of the Lords and Travelers participating in the festival [Duration: 7 days]

Chestnut Cake D: Minor increase in the innate abilities of the people participating in the celebration [Timeliness: Permanent]]

Susie: Oops, there's a permanent bonus, and I'm a little excited.

Just like taking out a gift that is far more valuable than expected from a pump, it makes people have a great desire to impulsively spend and collect the illustrated book. But turning the system panel on and off several times, Susie's reason still suppressed this thought: after all, you can really know how much this lottery price is when you get the year-end settlement, and whether it is really worth the money.

Not to mention that for a nascent town, it's not a good place to host too many celebrations.

The gifts of the autumn festival began to manifest the next day.

A small luck bonus is a very frustrating effect: it doesn't have the ability to hit a jackpot right away, and it tends to only work out in some inexplicable places, such as not getting your hair burned by the flames of the explosion when the experiment fails, and not getting the test report wet when you knock over a water glass.

And Susie opened the ten-consecutive gacha several times, and finally came to a conclusion: this luck value plus the ingredient range probably does not include herself. She calmly sorted the seeds into categories, and led a few soft animal cubs to the pasture outside the city.

No sooner had she put the cubs in the fence than Susie heard a sharp chirp of an eagle, and a sturdy griffin broke free from its foster penalty, flapped its wings, and pounced on the vultures in the nearby farm.

As soon as it grabbed a vulture horse, it heard the wind whirring in the air, and the bone dragon suddenly fell from the sky, and its heavy claws pressed the griffin's wings firmly to the ground, and it raised its head proudly and let out a long groan, shouting: "Don't touch my reserves!"

Frightened, the vultures flapped their wings and fled from the fence crushed by Aldro, and the lively little ones rushed into the streets, overturning the vendors along the way, and some even plunged headlong into the tents of the traders.

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