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Freshly baked fried chicken and taro pie are served in glassware and have not yet been soaked in water vapor. The puff pastry on the surface is light and crunchy, and the meat is sweet on the inside, wrapped in juice and neutralized by an iced drink. And the filling of the taro pie is hot and warm, with a soft sweetness.

From the tip of the tongue to the stomach, what is ultimately fed back to the brain is an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Eunice narrowed her eyes, Xi sucked her finger habitually, and immediately realized that it was not in the dormitory, she was a little embarrassed, and pushed the round-rimmed glasses in disguise.

"Actually, we are also in the Xi period, and it doesn't matter if the boss stays for a short time." She coughed lightly and snapped her fingers seriously, "I also want to buy something else to use on the road - cup noodles, hot and sour and clear soup are fine, not seafood!" And corn sausages... Oh, and some biscuits, too.

The tone is exactly the same as when buying corpses, and the list of consumables for this group of mages is really colorful.

Betty pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked, "If it's a space door, what's the boss's place?" It's Xi to go out anyway, can we go?

Eunice was alert when she heard this: "... That's right! Anyway, just write the content of the report!

Susie: This familiar and intimate feeling seems to make it seem that no matter where the student dog is, he will try to fish in social practice and graduation thesis.

Susie didn't really mind taking on these apprentices, but she couldn't help them right now. The environment of her territory is too special for at least the next flood season for the Eternal Night Canyon to be re-inhabited by travelers - if this year's accident didn't leave them with too much of a psychological shadow.

"And," Bach whispered, crouching under the counter, returning to the room at some point, "the Amber Plains are a little far from the Canyon of the Night."

Although magic can bridge the gap in space, given the sinister reputation of the two places, there are no large towns with teleportation arrays in the vicinity.

"Eternal Night Canyon..."

This answer is unexpected, but when you think about it, it makes sense.

The apprentices looked at each other and read the regret on their roommate's face, so the two sighed together, looked at the sky, and unanimously decided to ask for another fried chicken.


Throughout the day, the mobile vendors are very lively in front of them, like an Internet celebrity snack bar located next to a university town.

The apprentices and young mages slipped out of the tower in twos and threes, some in a hurry, some sneaking out at first glance, others yawning leisurely without even washing their faces.

In addition to traditional fried foods, itinerant vendors also sell items that cannot be taken out due to storage and preservation.

Hot muffins topped with hot syrup and cream that will gradually collapse over time, lava cakes sprinkled with fine frosting and chocolate syrup that drips out when cut with a sweet wine flavor, and classic Shaxian pairs, flat food and noodles.

One of the apprentices was not used to peanut butter, so he asked for two full spoonfuls of cheese and noodles to eat, and the combination was so strange that Susie confirmed it three times.

Susie: "Hmm... In fact, there is still macaroni to choose from?

But the undead apprentice was very persistent: "No, I'm going to eat this."

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