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Jay's P.O.V

Amaya has been avoiding me like the plague ever since our little argument. Rightfully so, I was acting like an "entitled dickhead" as Miley would say.

When did everything become so complicated? My and I never argued. Now all of a sudden, everything gets in between us. I need to make things right, but I have no idea how to.

I don't know how to do anything when it comes to her anymore, and it physically pains me. How could I have fallen so out of touch with my best friend? With the only girl I truly want to be with?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a nudge on my shoulder.

"You good Jay?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well snap out of it. Coach will get on your ass if you let it affect your performance today."

Today was the day our friendship would be tested.

It was the first meet of the season, and instead of focusing on getting warmed up, I was more focused on if Amaya would be here.

My stomach turned at the thought of her not being here. Especially because that was a real possibility. Losing my friendship with Amaya, was officially a possibility.

Maybe I did feel threatened by Adam, but I'm more concerned about her choosing to ignore a lifelong tradition because of boys she's known for no more then 3 seconds.

It was as if she had no more loyalty. I've known her my entire life, but now I'm second to a random barista?


The track meet has been going on for an hour and a 15 minutes. My friends should be arriving anytime now.

No matter how hard I tried to focus on the track meet my mind just kept shifting back to Amaya. Visions of her cuddling with Adam, and telling him all the crazy secrets she used to tell me were flashing through my mind.

"Fuck." I whispered

"What's wrong with you?"

The sudden question caused me to flinch and turn around.

"What the hell are you going here on the football field dad? This is the waiting area for track teams only."

The last thing I needed was my dad to give me an annoying pep talk about how I need to "give it my all".
I already knew that. I like to focus on things I didn't already know.

I glanced over his shoulder to look at the bleachers.

"That, that right there. What's up with that?" He asked pointing at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You're distracted. We can't have any distractions. You're about to run your first race in 30 minutes. Lock in."

"I know dad. I'm not a fucking idiot." I said raising my voice causing people to stare in our direction."


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