Since 9th Grade.

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Jay's P.O.V.

My dad pressured me into dumping Amaya.

He really wants me to go to UGA, and I let him get in my head.

"You have no idea how fucking stupid you are." Noah said.

"Noah can you shut up? You're not making me feel any better."

"Well if I dumped the possible love of my life too, I'd feel awful. You're not going to feel any better." Ryan said.

"Yeah, it sucked dumping Miley. I just got with Amaya to relieve the pain I was feeling."

I buried my face in my hands.

"Did you see the way she was looking at Ezra? She definitely has something going on with him." I said angrily.

"Do you think she was talking to him while we were dating?" I asked.

"You're being delusional. Amaya has been crazy about you since the 9th grade." Ryan said rolling his eyes.

I checked my phone to see if she had responded to my text.

Ryan was behind me.

"Dude. There's no way you did that."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You texted Amaya after the party."

"Yeah, she was acting off tonight."

"Maybe because you dumped her for no reason." Noah said.

"Dude you're totally losing the breakup game." Marcus said.

"Then that party was a total waste." I said.

That's the only reason I talked to so many girls.

I apparently need to "win" the breakup, but how can you do that when you feel like a literal loser?

The only girl I want is Amaya.

She's the girl for me.

It had been a week since I broke up with Maya, and it had almost been a week since Julia's party.

This school year, I didn't have any classes with Amaya.

We still had lunch together.

A lot of our group still had lunch together.

Except for Noah, Miley and Kelsey.

It was 3rd period.

I never paid attention in this class because I was in it with Anila and Miley. They always gave me the answers.

I walked to the class and met Miley and Anila on the way.

"Hey! What's up?"

They looked at me weird, and then looked at each other weird. Then they whispered something.

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