The Party.

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Amaya's P.O.V.

Jay and I quickly put on our clothes a chased my dad outside.

"Dad wait!" I screamed.

"Amaya, you're 17. You're not even an adult yet."

"You're acting as if you and mom didn't do this exact thing."

My dad looked shock.

My mom and dad knew each other in high school. They were together, but not officially. There was never a title.

They stopped talking to each other during college, until they saw each other at a wedding.

They went to the same hotel room, and one thing led to another.

Now they're happily divorced.

"I don't care Amaya. I'm telling your mother."

"Cherry, it's me." My dad said

Jay looked at me, and motioned his hands so I could do something.

I whispered, "what am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know babe, just do something."

I stood in front of my dad, and begged him not to tell her. He pushed me out the way.

"Fuck." I said.

The best thing to do would be hide the evidence.

My dad knocked on my moms bedroom door, and Jay and I ran into the kitchen.

I got a wet napkin, and began to rub the lipstick off of Jay's body.

My mom's door opened, and she began to walk out.

My dad followed behind her.

She gasped.

It looked as if my dad mistakenly hit her.

"Amaya Elise Walters, what on Earth is going on."

I tried to give an excuse but my mom pointed to the couch.

Me and Jay reluctantly sat down.

My mom and dad sat down on the couch at the other side of the table.

"Matthew, explain what you saw."

"I had arrived to the house, and began walking in when I heard some giggles from the treehouse. The curtains were closed, so I didn't know who was in there. I just assumed it was Amaya and Annalise."

"You should've knocked on the wall." I said very upset.

"Elise be quiet."

I hate when my mom uses my middle name. It's very scary.

She pointed back to my father.

"I opened the curtains, and I saw shoes scattered around, a red sweater on the floor, and a gray top on the couch."

My dad continued.

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