chapter 396

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As Elsa sat up in bed, she slowly remembered how Jeremy had suddenly appeared to save her in the nick of time.

She recalled how he had held her tightly and comforted her, and how she had leaned into his embrace, feeling safe.

Elsa's heart began to race, thumping a familiar beat in her chest. She bit her lip and clenched her fists.

"No. How could I possibly fall for him all over again? I hate him! The love within me died with every push toward the deep end he forced me to take. It's like how drowning survivors would never yearn for the sea again. But I promise I'll let you know how it feels to be suffocated, Jeremy."

Speaking of the sea, Elsa vaguely remembered dreaming about being in it.

However, she didn't remember much about that dream, except for swimming towards someone in danger.


Rosanna returned to Victoria's hospital room, where Jeremy arrived shortly after. A nurse was checking on Victoria, so Rosanna waited outside.

When Rosanna noticed Jeremy, she asked, "You came to see her?"

She did not wait for Jeremy's answer and continued, "Victoria has gone through too much today, Jeremy. I can't believe she was taken advantage of by four different men. Stay by her side, Jeremy. I'm scared that she might take her life again because this burden is too much for her to handle."

Rosanna was still concerned about Victoria, feeling like a broken-hearted mother seeing her daughter in such a state.

Jeremy frowned, directing a frosty gaze at Rosanna. Amid her crying, Rosanna looked at Jeremy and their gaze met. And in his eyes, Rosanna could sense Jeremy's suspicion.

"I thought you were watching Victoria this entire time? How did she end up at the abandoned paper factory?" Jeremy questioned.

Rosanna looked Jeremy in the eye and confidently told him the truth. "I was looking after her this morning. I only left for a few minutes to get her some water, but Victoria was gone when I returned."

Jeremy's suspicion grew. "So she just got up and left? Just like that? Wasn't she supposed to be feeling so unwell that she couldn't leave the hospital yet? How did she get to such a far place in that state?"

These questions also made Rosanna start feeling suspicious as well.

"Jeremy, could she have been taken away? Could she have been kidnapped like Elsa was? Maybe someone was targeting both my girls on purpose. Maybe an enemy or something."

"I'll investigate this and bring you an answer. The people who did this must all be punished. Those thugs were sent by someone, and I'll find out who it was," Jeremy assured.

Rosanna knew Jeremy was doing this for Elsa, but it would also help both Elsa and Victoria if they got justice for how they were hurt.

"Thank you, Jeremy. Right now, I just–" Rosanna's words were cut off by the door of Victoria's room opening and the nurse coming out.

"She's awake, but her emotions are rather unstable. Try not to upset her," the nurse said before leaving.

Distress was apparent on Rosanna's face as she felt sorry for Victoria. She was about to push the door to enter but stopped herself and turned to Jeremy.

Meaningfully, she said, "You know what, I think the person Vic wants to see the most now is you. And I'm sure you have a lot to say to her, Jeremy. You should go in first, I'll follow after you."

She then added, "Be nice to her, okay? She must be really sad right now. Comfort her a little so she won't try to kill herself again."

After saying that, Rosanna walked away to get herself some coffee.

Ignoring Rosanna's words, Jeremy pushed open the door and walked inside.

The VIP room was very spacious, and Victoria certainly had a large room. Upon entering, Jeremy realized that the bed was empty and Victoria was nowhere to be found.

Didn't she just wake up?

He lifted his eyes to look in the direction of the balcony in case she was there but suddenly heard movement in the bathroom.

Turning around, Jeremy walked over to the bathroom, which had its door wide open.

The sound of water gushing from the showerhead met his ears just as his eyes fell on Victoria.

Jeremy felt a strong physical manifestation of disgust at the sight of Victoria's naked body in that very moment. He spun around and averted his gaze immediately.

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