chapter 355

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George remembered his father telling him to keep the suspicion to himself in the meantime. They had no proof that Elsa was the girl, or that Victoria was not.

So he just nodded at Jeremy’s words and kept his mouth shut.

He wished to tell Jeremy about his doubts regarding Victoria saving his life, but without proof, those were just myths he came up with. Especially since Elsa herself didn’t remember saving Jeremy’s life in April Sea.


Elsa arrived back in Serpens with Braden.

And the moment she got off Lui’s jet, she received a phone call to go to her fashion house. There was some designs she needed to approve immediately.

Since she couldn’t take Braden, she dropped him off at home and told him she was going to work and would be back home soon.

“Braden, do you remember what I told you to say when anyone asks where I took you?” Elsa asked the child.

Braden nodded. “That I don’t know,” Braden said obediently.

Elsa smiled proudly. “That’s my boy.”

She watched as Braden went inside the house with Moses holding his hand. She had to make sure Braden was inside before leaving.

Moses gave the child to his nanny.

Just as Elsa left the villa driving away, Victoria arrived. She came looking for Jeremy as she had a plan on what to lie to him about everything that had happened recently.

When she went inside, she found Braden in the living room with his nanny, who was asking him what he wanted to eat.

“Braden, my son, come greet your mommy,” she called out as she stood next to him.

When Braden heard Victoria’s voice, his heart started beating fast. He saw Victoria walking towards him and he started shaking.

He wanted to run away quickly, but Victoria grabbed him. “Come spend time with me, Bradie. Your mommy misses you.”

She then turned to the nanny and said, “Let me spend some time with Braden in his room. I’ll bring him down in half an hour to eat.”

The nanny did not see anything wrong with a mother spending time with her child, so she agreed and went to do other chores.

The moment she left and Victoria was sure she wasn’t seeing them anymore, she started roughly pulling little Braden upstairs.

His tiny feet couldn’t move as fast as Victoria, so she struggled to keep up with the pace.

Victoria dragged the poor child to his room and pushed him inside before locking the door, making sure they were alone.

When everyone saw Braden, they all said he looked just like Jeremy. All they saw was that he resembled Jeremy.

But that was not what Victoria saw. Every single time she saw Braden, she saw Elsa in his face. He looked just like Elsa in Victoria’s eyes.

Well, he was Elsa’s son after all. It was normal for a child to resemble his mother.

And that resemblance Braden had with Elsa made Victoria hate him even more.

“Where did Elsa take you?” Victoria roared that question at Braden.

Braden did not want to answer at first, and that made Victoria even angrier. “Answer me, you little shit!” she screamed at him.

In fear, Braden said to Victoria, “I... I... I don’t know!”

That made annoyed Victoria so much. How could he not know? She needed to know what Elsa was up to and Braden was useless in giving her that information.

She towered over the child who was trembling on the floor and shouted in anger, “You stupid child! I knew I should have killed you when you were in Elsa’s womb. Then you wouldn’t be such an eyesore.”

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