chapter 379

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Jeremy was not a patient man, so his father knew that keeping it together was very hard for Jeremy to do.

"I understand how you feel, Jeremy, but-"

"No, you don't. She hurt Elsa. And to make it even worse, she used my name in the process so Elsa would hate me."

George tried to calm him down and said, "But she didn't succeed, right? You got Elsa back. And... You are always free to begin again, with Elsa."

Jeremy did not know what to say. He did get Elsa back, but he couldn't forgive himself for what he did to her.

He then said quietly, "Victoria told me she is planning a wedding. And if I don't attend, she will kill herself and it will be on me because I refused to repay my life debt."

When George heard that, he was livid. The old Master had told him not to say anything until Elsa remembered, but how long was she going to take before she did?

Maybe he could speed up the process and jog Elsa's memory.

"Jeremy, what if there is a chance, a little possibility that the girl who saved you was not Victoria?" he said to Jeremy.

Jeremy did not understand. "What do you mean, Dad?"

"I don't know, Jeremy... But for a while, I've just been questioning if we got the wrong girl," he said purposefully.

But his words did not make sense to Jeremy. "But you were the one who showed me the girl who saved my life."

Honestly, after Jeremy had stopped caring about the life debt fulfillment after he realized he loves Elsa. But then, it was something he had to honor.

He thought of giving her a wedding and then never signing the marriage certificate, making the union invalid.

But he didn't have the heart to do that to Elsa, especially since he would die inside if Elsa were to marry anyone else one day.

"I did, didn't I?..." George sighed at those words. "By the way, Jeremy, does Elsa know about this life debt?"

"Yeah, she does."

"Does she know the details of it?"

"No, I don't think so. I never told her."

"Ow. Maybe you should. She looks like a wise girl; she could give you advice on everything."

Jeremy thought about it for a while before nodding. "I guess you're right." Maybe he should tell Elsa and see what she thought about it.

Before George could say anything more, Jeremy realized that he was getting another call.

Seeing that it was his assistant, Robert, Jeremy ended the call with his dad and picked up Robert's call. He had asked him to investigate Lui after he saw Elsa going to his villa to take a private jet.

"Sir, I have been checking on Lui Callahan, and I found out he is in Coventina, where he has lived for the past two years. But before then, he had never even visited that country even once. So he just moved there abruptly."

When Jeremy heard that, he immediately felt suspicious. "So, it was all Elsa died?"

"Yes, sir."

"There has to be a reason he is in Coventina and why Elsa flew there a few days ago." He massaged his temples before saying, "I want you to go to Coventina as soon as possible and find out about Lui's whereabouts for the past two years. And also, where the private jet Elsa took landed. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir. I'll get to that right away."

After that, Jeremy ended the call. He raked his fingers through his hair as he thought about the possibility that Elsa had been with Lui this whole time.

Lui and Elsa were close friends before; Jeremy remembered Lui even had a nickname for her.

What if... No! No!... He erased that thought away before he started getting jealous for no reason.

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