chapter 352

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Elsa froze as Lui confessed his love for her. She hadn’t expected it at all. She stopped breathing and became as stiff as a board.

It seemed like Lui didn’t expect an answer from her and started kissing her again.

That was when Elsa noticed her dress slipping down her body. She immediately held onto it before quickly jumping out of Lui’s grasp. Her breathing became rapid and shallow, and her eyes widened with fear.

When Elsa jumped out of his hold, Lui wasn’t surprised. He had seen it coming. He looked at his empty hands with disappointment, then turned to Elsa.

He started taking steps towards her, but Elsa began to back away, clutching her dress tightly to prevent it from falling.

Elsa’s reaction made Lui stop in his tracks.

“Elsa...” he softly called out her name.

But Elsa shook her head  in protest. She knew at that moment that she did not want what Lui wanted.

She was trying to calm herself down. She didn’t understand why she felt so frightened in that moment.

She didn’t know why she was reluctant to let Lui see her body. She couldn’t explain why she felt so scared when she realized Lui wanted to sleep with her.

Could it be because her previous sexual encounters had been nothing but painful memories? She asked herself this as she remembered Jeremy. Or was it simply that she hadn’t fully accepted Lui in that way?

She had been much more at ease with Jeremy. In fact, she had given herself to him rather too quickly... So why was she holding back with Lui? What was stopping her from being intimate with him?

“Elsa...” Lui tried to take a step forward, but Elsa retreated again with fear written all over her face.

Lui felt hurt when he saw her expression. “Elsa, you know I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to, right?” he asked in a low voice, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

Elsa noticed that when he said that, his muscles tensed up. This round, he took two steps back, as a dark cloud seemed to cover his face. Elsa could also see the hurt in his eyes.

Elsa didn’t know what to do. She thought about running away from the bedroom and coming back when she had composed herself, but she knew that would only make things worse. It would seem like she was running away from him.

“Lui...” she said, trying to find her voice. “I’m... I’m just... I’m just not ready.” She lowered her head, avoiding Lui’s gaze. “I’m sorry,” she apologized sincerely.

Lui sighed upon hearing this and walked over to Elsa. This time, when she didn’t back away, he moved even closer to her.

He held her chin, making her look up at him. “Elsa, are you afraid of me?” he asked with a pained voice.

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