chapter 389

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Elsa's heart raced, and she felt nervous. From the sound, it seemed that the men had already reached the door.

Elsa had no other options; she needed to act now. Bracing herself through the pain of her bleeding hands, Elsa moved an abandoned chair. The men outside were already tinkering with the lock.

After picking up a rock from the ground, Elsa stepped onto the chair.

"Fuck! Didn't you just open the door some minutes ago? How did you lose the key? Look for it now!" an angry voice rang out from outside the door.

Hearing them, Elsa realized that this was a great opportunity for her. Staring at the broken window in front of her, she raised the rock to hit it.


The glass shattered instantly with a crisp crack. The people by the door immediately fell silent for a few seconds before someone roared, "Fuck! The chick couldn't have run off, could she?"

"What? She ran off?" a woman's infuriated voice drifted over, followed by an order. "Kick the door down! The two of you, look for her outside. She couldn't have gone far!"

With that, the room door was quickly opened with force.

When they ran in, Victoria and the two men were met with the sight of a bundle of ropes on the ground.

"Elsa Halverson!" Victoria clenched her teeth.

Lifting her head, she found the small window with its glass broken and its remnants clinging to a small piece of cloth. "I can't believe she actually ran off!.... Go, run after her! Either you find her, or I'll kill you!"

The thugs understood.
"Let's go! We've got to find her, quick!" the thugs immediately chased after the runaway woman cooperatively.

Victoria kicked the pile of rope and ran out in humiliation.


The surroundings grew quiet. Slowly, Elsa poked her head out of the pile of junk in the room she was hiding under the entire time.

Her onyx orbs surveyed the room before her gaze fell on Victoria, who stood impatiently by the side.

'I was right. It was you, after all, Victoria.' Elsa was hardly shocked. She took a deep breath and was glad that she had made the smart choice.

If she had gone through the window, they would have caught her as she ran. So she faked her escape.

Having already died once, she refused to let anyone hurt her again—especially Victoria.

However, escaping would pose a certain difficulty since Victoria was still waiting outside.

And Elsa did not have her phone on her either, so contacting someone was also out of the question.

Lowering her eyes to think, Elsa's gaze fell on the crystal bracelet around her hand and she felt the worry in her heart calm considerably.

Smiling softly, Elsa caressed the bracelet. Braden's appearance soon surfaced in her mind.

She could not imagine why such a sweet child like Braden would have such a horrible mother like Victoria, not to mention how the child looked nothing like Victoria.

He did look like Jeremy, though. His aura and the appearance of his brows were a replica of his father's.

Elsa felt hungry all of a sudden and her stomach began to rumble. She had been kidnapped the moment she left the house before she had the chance to eat anything.

Then, they had drugged her with chloroform. Her mind was still foggy and drowsy.

She had to find a way out soon since the chance of getting found was still high by hiding here.

They could stop her if they stayed in that room long enough.


With the help of a few connections, Jeremy found that the vehicle used to kidnap Elsa had run several red lights.

Street Cameras showed it driving into an alleyway, but that was also the last known location of it.

He rushed over immediately.

The vehicle had indeed been parked there, but it was also empty now. Jeremy found nothing suspicious about the surroundings.

They had evidently moved Elsa to a secondary location.

The vehicle was a stolen one, thus there were no links to the kidnappers' identities.

The sky began to darken and Jeremy had yet to find where Elsa was. He was beginning to feel frustrated. Jeremy found it impossible to force himself not to worry for his Elsa. He no longer wished to see sadness or hurt flash through that angelic face.

He wanted her to be safe.

He couldn't help but be mad at himself,  disappointed with himself. He had promised to protect Elsa for the second time. And he failed, again.

Following the pavement, Jeremy tried his best to seek even the littlest clue that would point him to Elsa's location, all while his heart continued to beat erratically.

With every passing minute, Jeremy's worry grew.

'Please be okay my love. Please be okay. I cannot lose you again. I won't survive if that happens.'

Right at that moment Jeremy’s phone notification went off, and an anonymous text appeared on his phone. It read: The abandoned Serpens Paper Factory. She’s there. Save her.

Jeremy’s eyes shone when he saw that. He immediately tried to call the number, but it could not connect.


Damn y’all have gone soft on Jeremy. Like really soft. And that let me know you might hate me for how part 4 is going to end.

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