chapter 370

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Elsa woke up the next day after a long, deep sleep.

However, during that sleep, she had a blurry dream that she didn't understand.

In her dream, she said the same words that played in her head the previous night, "I have to save him, Gwen. If I don't go right now, he'll die."

Elsa did not understand the meaning of those words or why she was dreaming about them.

Was that a memory? And if so, of what?

With silence as her only answer, Elsa decided not to think too much about it.

As Elsa sat up on the bed noticed that her bathrobe was loose and her chest was exposed.

When she looked around and didn't see Jeremy, she quickly covered herself up.

She was regretting accepting the ring even more now. Her body was exposed for Jeremy to see, and she was mad at herself for that. Honestly, she both regretted and didn't regret taking that ring.

Elsa was just about to get out of bed when suddenly, the door opened. Jeremy walked in with a tray in his hand.

As Jeremy walked over to her, he said, "You're awake. And just in time for breakfast."

Elsa narrowed her eyes and looked at him, asking, "Breakfast in bed?"

Jeremy simply smiled shyly as he put the tray on Elsa's lap.

Elsa looked at it and felt strange in that moment.

Seeing Elsa staring at the food, Jeremy nervously asked, "Do you like it?"

Elsa thought to herself, 'What I would like is to reach out from your throat and pull out your heart.'

But she smiled and said with a melodic soprano, "Yes, thank you."

When Jeremy heard that, he was relieved and replied, "You're welcome."

Elsa was hungry, so she started eating. Jeremy, on the other hand, took her legs onto his lap and began gently rubbing them.

Elsa felt like she was going to crack. Her mask might fall off at any moment, and she would lash out at someone she was supposed to still be in love with.

Halfway through her breakfast, Jeremy's phone rang in his pajama pocket.

Jeremy took it out and saw that it was Rosanna calling him.

Not knowing if the reason for the call was about Elsa or Victoria, Jeremy answered with half his heart, "Hello!"

"Jeremy! Victoria tried to kill herself!" the screeching voice of Rosanna was heard.

It was so loud that Elsa heard exactly what she said. Victoria tried to commit suicide again?

Elsa expected Jeremy to be scared immediately, but he looked very calm. "What do you mean she tried to kill herself?" he asked.

Rosanna started explaining franctically and anxiously,"Well, she came to see you last night at your villa. When she came back, she was crying so hard she couldn't breathe. And then this morning, I found her unconscious in her bedroom. She took an overdose of some sleeping pills and lost consciousness. I immediately rushed her to City Center Hospital. Please come, Jeremy."

Elsa heard those words and watched Jeremy closely. He looked very hesitant at that moment.

But he still asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, "How is she now? Is she out of danger?"

"Yes. She is not as she was when we brought her here. She even woke up." Rosanna answered immediately.

When he heard that, he relaxed his face and asked,  "Then there is no need for me to come there. She's fine, so what's the point?"

When Rosanna heard that, she cried quietly. She knew if Jeremy did not come, Victoria won't be fine.

She choked on her sobs as she said, "Jeremy... She told me if you don't come to see her, she'll kill herself. And this time, she will make sure nobody will save her."

Elsa's eyes went wide when she heard that. Rosanna did sound so scared at that moment.

When Jeremy heard that from Rosanna, he was quiet. Elsa could not tell what he was thinking.

When Jeremy did not respond, Rosanna kept insisting. "Jeremy, Vic is my daughter too, just like Elsa. And I don't like seeing her in so much pain. I know you are so mad at her right now for what she did, and that's why you broke off the engagement. But please, for the sake of her saving your life years ago, come and see her this once and comfort her. She really needs you, Jeremy. Don't abandon her."

Rosanna was basically pleading with Jeremy at this point.

Elsa heard it all and was just staring at Jeremy, waiting for his next move.

She knew Victoria didn't really try to kill herself. She must have planned this all to guilt trip Jeremy into coming back to her. But did Jeremy know this?

Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows and then said with a deep voice, "Okay, I'll come right away."

Rosanna was just about to say thank you to Jeremy when he hung up on her.

When Elsa heard Jeremy's decision, she was disappointed. It seemed like Jeremy still cared about Victoria after all.

When she almost died from the knife wound, he didn't rush to her side. But for Victoria...

Elsa did not say anything and just kept quiet, acting like she did not hear that phone call conversation.

She was about to continue with her breakfast when Jeremy suddenly took her hand into his. "Come with me?"

Elsa looked at him confused. "Where?"

"To the hospital," Jeremy answered.

Elsa narrowed her eyes and asked, "Why?"

"Braden's first appointment with the doctor is today. I was thinking that maybe you could take him to get a check-up."

Elsa tilted her head to the side and asked, "And what about you? What will you be doing?"

She wanted Jeremy to tell her he was going to look for his mistress who tried to kill herself.

But Jeremy was quiet for a moment before saying with a faint smile, "Don't worry about anything. It's you I want to be with. And nobody else."


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