Update: an end to the ride and a new start

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For those of you who don't follow me on Twitter, I'd like to share some news with you. I have decided to end 'Is It Ever Enough?' And this section of the universe with the last chapter I posted, 63.

The end of that chapter felt right, with their reunion and the starting over. But!

I will be continuing Maya's journey through sobriety, Carina's tribulations and their relationship in a new story/continuation titled:

Smoldering Light

It will pick up really close to where we left off, and dive into their new conflicts as they head back to Seattle, together.

If you head over to my twitter, @bishops_bakery you can find the first teaser and preview of the new story pinned to my profile. I have so much left to tell, so stick around!

Thank you to everyone who has commented, stuck through the journey since day one or joined along the way. The commentary and discourse this story has sparked has left me floored and extremely grateful to have such an amazing fandom to participate it. You guys rock. I don't have a release date yet for the new story, because I need a break and to work a few chapters ahead, but stay tuned and follow me on Twitter for the latest updates!

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