Chapter 24

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As Maya walks up to Carina's apartment, she pauses for a moment to ground herself and calm her nerves. She feels the slight warm buzz of booze and pills coursing through he body, but not enough to feel fully fucked up. As she pulls the flask of whiskey out of her pocket and takes a swig, her hands begins to shake and her grip slips, almost dropping it. She shakes it off, ignoring the pain and weakness in her hand. She pops a piece of gum into her mouth after.

Before she could finish knocking on the door, Carina opens the door in a swift motion, a bright smile plastered to her face. Maya stands stunned and in awe of how beautiful she looks, having to pick her jaw up off the floor. The doctor donned black pants, a white shirt that cuts low enough to see the necklace laying upon the bare skin of her chest and a leather jacket. It was a swift transition from her usual scrubs or business attire. Her hair flowed wildly around her face, highlighting the chocolate in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I look a mess, I got pulled into another surgery and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it because my shift went long and I had to rush. But I think I am good to-" Carina is interrupted by her own thoughts as she finally focuses on Maya, and how she looked. Her breath hitches as she blushes. The bomber jacket and dark jeans combo looked amazing on Maya, her hair done in very simple waves. She was not a woman of dramatic style, and it suited her perfectly. The darkness translated to her eyes, as they flashed a deep indigo, a color Carina had yet to see from the shorter woman.

Carina breathes deeply, stopping her rambling rant as she locks eyes with Maya, holding the gaze. She slowly steps forward and steadies the shorter woman by the elbows and encroaches comfortably into her personal space.

"Hiiiiiii" Carina husks softly, a complete tone shift from the initial frantic pace. She hangs onto the I as it rolls out playfully, earning an incredibly wide grin from the firefighter.

Maya sighs, feeling the electric shock shoot through her body as she leans into Carina's embrace. "Hiiiiiii" she shoots back.

Carina can't take it any longer, she had been thinking about it all afternoon. She closes the gap betwee them and plants a searing kiss on Maya's lips and breaks it apart when they both need air.

"You taste spicy!" she laughs, leaning in to kiss her once more, "like minty whiskey." she says smiling, in complete bliss over how one small kiss can make her stomach burn and her heart race.

Maya laughs and exhales, snaking her hands around the taller woman's waist, "And you taste like wine. Sounds like we both needed some liquid courage." she laughs. Both women stay put for a moment, completely comfortable in the silence and slowness. Maya peers into chocolate brown eyesand finds herself easily lost.

"You look stunning by the way." She says, squeezing the Italians hips ever so slightly.

Carina hummus in response, "Hmmm you're not so bad yourself, captain." as she twirls Mayas hair, her arms laced around her neck.

Maya breaks the embrace as she is eager to get their official first date started.

"Are we ready? We are walking."

"Si. Let's go!" Carina says, slipping her hand into Maya's as they set off down the street.

After several blocks, Carina can't contain herself anymore, she's dying to know where Maya is taking her, and why it involves sushi.

"Maaayyyyyaaaaa, please? Can I know what we are doing tonight? You're killing me!" she whines, trying to give her best pouty lip.

"I can tell you that we are getting sushi, because we are here," Maya says as she stops walking, landing in front of her favorite sushi spot. "And we are going to get it to go, and sit and eat it at that park over there," she points to the park across the street, full of busting people walking their dogs and children playing.

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