Chapter 10

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"Don't you die on me today"

Maya sat coldly on the operating table as the team of physicians and nurses shuffled around and prepared her for surgery.

"Die? Why would I die?" the blonde pondered, going over the incident in her head, trying to make sense of her injuries and how she ended up on the operating table. 

"I just bumped my shoulder and have a shitty, self-inflicted hand injury." Stunned, she continued the assault on herself.

"I mean I guess my ankle is pretty fucked but I've been dealing with that for years. Has anyone ever died from a sprained ankle? A cut to the hand?"

Just then, a mask was placed over her face, leaving the blonde frazzled and annoyed.

"What a pathetic way to go out, very on brand for my meager and miserable existence. I just don't get it, I don't..." she trailed off as she slipped into the blissful blanket of anesthesia.


Meanwhile in the ER, there was an evident tension in the air as Dr. Bailey left the group, each falling silent as they prepared for the next steps.

Jack began to pace frantically and work himself up, growing irritated with his lack of control over the situation. Seeing Jack fret and worry about Maya was not a surprising sight to the rest of the team, as they all understood that he will always have a soft spot for the blonde. They had broken up ages ago, but the strength of their bond was unscathed by their failed attempt at romance. There was a mellow and devout understanding between the two, their dynamic remained playful but blindingly loyal. They had blossomed into a supportive and family-like pair.

"What the fuck happened in that aid car?!" Jack sneers through gritted teeth as he steps in front of Ben.

"She was coherent and fine when we loaded her. There's no explanation for her to be in such bad shape, Warren" pressing his finger into Ben's chest and shoving him backward. 

Travis steps between the two, putting his hands up in an attempt to diffuse the tension.

"We know Jack, we know." Travis says tentatively.

Ben steps and faces Jack, a pleading look in his eyes, "She was talking one minute and then she was gone. She lost consciousness of us several times, her heart rate and bp plummeted and I struggled to keep her respiration even."

Jack huffs, a look of sheer anger in his eyes, "Well did she hit her head?! You were with her!" He tosses his hands up and begins to pace back and forth again.

"Fucking awesome, our Captain is mysteriously dying and the only person gatekeeping the vital information we need fucking hates her guts." 

Laughing sarcastically, he continues, "See? This is why I hate Tuesdays. The worst day of the fucking week."

Vic steps up and grabs him by the arms to steady him. "Jack? Jack! You're rambling. Why don't you sit down before you work yourself up too much." carefully guiding him.

Dean huffs, annoyed at the entire situation "We need Andy here... someone's gonna have to call" his eyes trailing over to Vic, who he knows has the best chance at convincing Andy to come in.

"Oh great, well that's going to be a while before she gets her ass in here." huffs Travis, as he plops down in a chair in the waiting room. "Will someone call her and explain we kind of need her here? And maybe toss in a "get over yourself" while you're at it?" he adds, dropping his head in his hands.

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