53 milo, he's here

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Everett looked after me last night, attending to my every last need. He makes me feel so loved, wanted and cherished. I'll never take for granted his kindness. Even if he says that aftercare isn't anything to praise, I still praise him.

He ran me a bubble bath, gave me the most delicious back massage and then cooked us dinner with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. And in between that I had a bucket full of kisses, cuddles and words of endearment.

It's safe to say that what we did in the woods was a new experience but it gave me a wicked thrill. I ran and I ran, looking over my shoulder waiting for his presence. But because I trust him with my entire life, I let go and submitted.

My body thrived off every damn second and I still get wet thinking about it.

I think primal play is now going to be a part of our new routine and that sends goosebumps across my skin with anticipation and excitement.

This morning I'm greeted to kisses across my shoulder blades as Everett tugs me into his warm body. I pry my eyes open and smile, the comfort of our own bed brings me so much happiness. "Morning, angel." He grumbles, his hot breath fanning my bare skin.

"Morning," I whisper, clutching onto his hand.

I stare down at our fingers as they clasp together tightly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good," I nod. "Loved."

He smiles against my back and kisses me again. "As you should every day, my angel."

I twist in his hold and glance up at his handsome sleepy face, his blonde locks have now fallen across his forehead. My fingers raise to brush them from his eyes gently and I lean forward to press a kiss to his chin.

"Are you going out today?" I question, remembering something he told me a few days ago.

Everett nods. "Yeah. Sibling day, remember? Fran's idea. I was shocked to be honest but I know it'll do us some good being together. We bicker too much and I know Milo needs some time out of the house."

I nod, dragging my fingers over his broad shoulder. "Sounds good. I hope you all have a good time."

"What are you going to do today?"

My shoulders raise only to fall. "A me day, I think."

"Mmm hmm," he pecks my lips. "What will that consist of?"

"Making myself some yummy food, practice my archery and wash my hair. It's hair wash day."

He chuckles gently. "Such an important day."

"It is," I press a hand against his chest. "What time are you leaving?"

"Soon, we agreed to go out early so we can get back early." His blue eyes flick across the bridge of my nose and down to my lips. "I'm going to miss you."

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